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Meet the Image of the Year 2022 EMEA winner! Javier Ruperez from Spain beautifully blended art with science when he captured the wing scales of a moth that closely resembles a butterfly. Read his interview in this post.
Using the example of yeast protein localization, this application note examines the adaptability and efficiency of the scanR screening system’s deep-learning technology at automatic object segmentation of complex data sets.
Our fifth annual Image of the Year competition is now open for entries! For the first time, the 2024 contest welcomes video submissions to show the art of capturing moving images under the microscope. Learn more in the press release.
A Evident doa três milhões de ienes japoneses para apoiar os esforços de socorro ao terremoto da Península de Noto, no Japão.
Como se parece a morte vista sob o microscópio? Conversamos com a Dra. Marianne Hamel, uma patologista forense, para descobrir. Em uma conversa sobre obra de arte histológica "post-mortem", ela compartilha como os microscópios dão vida a essas imagens.
CM30 software updated: Version 2.2.1
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