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Evaluating Drug Response in Patient-Derived Organoids Using True 3D High-Content Analysis

Patient-derived organoids are a useful tool for drug discovery because they mimic human physiology since they are derived from patient cells and have a 3D structure. In this webinar, learn how to apply patient-derived organoids for drug discovery research using imaging and how true 3D analysis contributes to the study.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • A drug study based on patient-derived organoids that benefitted from using true 3D high-content analysis (HCA).
  • How truly three-dimensional analysis can improve quantitative results over sub-sampling data sets.
  • How the NoviSight™ HCA software interface links all your confocal 3D data from a microplate experiment in a powerful, visual, analytical interface — including 3D rendering, object segment gallery, heat map, and data mining scatterplot.


Brendan Brinkman
Senior Marketing Manager

Evaluating Drug Response in Patient-Derived Organoids Using True 3D High-Content Analysis

Evaluating Drug Response in Patient-Derived Organoids Using True 3D High-Content Analysis

Patient-derived organoids are a useful tool for drug discovery because they mimic human physiology since they are derived from patient cells and have a 3D structure. In this webinar, learn how to apply patient-derived organoids for drug discovery research using imaging and how true 3D analysis contributes to the study.

In this webinar, you will learn:

  • A drug study based on patient-derived organoids that benefitted from using true 3D high-content analysis (HCA).
  • How truly three-dimensional analysis can improve quantitative results over sub-sampling data sets.
  • How the NoviSight™ HCA software interface links all your confocal 3D data from a microplate experiment in a powerful, visual, analytical interface — including 3D rendering, object segment gallery, heat map, and data mining scatterplot.


Brendan Brinkman
Senior Marketing Manager

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Eingesetztes Produkt


Die 3D-Zellanalyse-Software NoviSight liefert statistische Daten für Sphäroide und 3D-Objekte in Mikrotiterplatten-Experimenten. Damit lassen sich die Zellaktivität in 3D quantifizieren und die Nachweisempfindlichkeit verbessern, seltene Zellereignisse können leichter erfasst und Zellzahlen genauer bestimmt werden. Die NoviSight Software ist für verschiedene Bildgebungsverfahren geeignet, d. h. von der konfokalen Point-Scan-Bildgebung, der Zwei-Photonen-Bildgebung und der konfokalen Spinning-Disk-Bildgebung bis hin zur hochauflösenden Lebendzell-Bildgebung.

  • Schnelle 3D-Bilderkennung von ganzen Strukturen bis hin zu subzellulären Merkmalen
  • Genaue statistische Analyse
  • Ausgestattet mit einer Vielzahl einsatzbereiter Standard-Assays oder einfache Erstellung eigener Assays
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