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How to Install the Evident (Olympus) Viewer ImageJ Plugin on Your Mac

How to Install the Evident (Olympus) Viewer ImageJ Plugin on Your Mac

  1. Download the OlympusViewer-mac2-4-1.zip.
  2. Extract the zip file.
  3. After extracting, the OlympusViewer-mac2-4-1 folder will be generated. The folder has three items inside it.
  4. Open a Terminal window and go inside the folder OlympusViewer-mac2-4-1:
    #cd OlympusViewer-mac2-4-1
  5. Make sure you have all the permissions on all three items. Run the command:
    #chmod 777 *
  6. Execute the shell script MAC_OlympusViewer_Installer_exe.sh using sudo:
    #sudo ./MAC_OlympusViewer_Installer_exe.sh
  7. After executing the above command, read the end-user license agreement. If you agree to it, type y. If you do not agree to it, type n and you cannot install this software.
  8. After extracting, the OlympusViewer-mac folder will be generated.
  9. Copy the OlympusViewer-mac folder to the plugins folder of your ImageJ directory. If ImageJ plugin folder already has an OlympusViewer folder, delete the folder before copying.

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