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Accelerating Image Analysis with TruAI™ Deep Learning Technology

Hardware development in microscopy has enabled scientists to collect more and more image data in a very efficient and automated way. But to gain quantitative information of this data, images need to be analyzed in a robust way.

Image segmentation and classification lies at the heart of image analysis. The better the scientist can segment and classify objects of interest in their images, the better quantitative information they can gain, improving the quality of the results.

In 2019 Olympus launched TruAI technology, an image analysis approach based on deep neural networks with a focus in segmentation and classification. TruAI technology makes segmentation and classification easy and accessible by non-experts, even in the most difficult scenarios, like in low contrast brightfield images, low signal-to-noise fluorescence images, or in situations of highly dense cell confluency. When installed in the microscope that is acquiring the images, it speeds up the research as soon as analysis results can be available, shortly after the acquisition has concluded, or even at the same time as the acquisition.

In this tech talk, through a collection of examples measured with our live cell imaging systems, high-content screening station, and whole slide scanner, you will see what TruAI technology can do for your research and get a preview of what is coming next.

Presenter: Manoel Veiga, PhD
Application Specialist, Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions

Manoel Veiga earned his PhD in Physical Chemistry in the University Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Following two postdocs in the Universities Complutense of Madrid and WWU Münster, he joined PicoQuant GmbH. After five years supporting customers worldwide in the fields of FLIM and time-resolved spectroscopy, he joined Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions GmbH in 2017, where he works as Global Application Specialist with a focus on high-content analysis and deep learning.

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Con operaciones intuitivas y un flujo de trabajo sin problemas, la interfaz del usuario del software cellSens puede ser personalizada para que usted controle el diseño. Gracias a su variedad de paquetes de software, el software cellSens proporciona una diversidad de funciones optimizadas para sus necesidades específicas de procesamiento de imágenes. Las funciones de Administrador gráfico experimental (GEM) y Navegador por pocillos facilitan la adquisición de imágenes 5D. Logre una resolución optimizada a través de la deconvolución TruSight™, y comparta sus imágenes mediante el Modo Conferencia.

  • Eficiencia del experimento mejorada con el análisis de segmentación por aprendizaje profundo TruAI™ para la detección de núcleos sin marcado y el recuento de células
  • Plataforma de software modular para el procesamiento de imágenes
  • Interfaz del usuario intuitiva basada en aplicaciones
  • Vasta gama de funciones que van desde la simple toma fotográfica hasta avanzados experimentos multidimensionales en tiempo real

Accelerating Image Analysis with TruAI™ Deep Learning Technology

Hardware development in microscopy has enabled scientists to collect more and more image data in a very efficient and automated way. But to gain quantitative information of this data, images need to be analyzed in a robust way.

Image segmentation and classification lies at the heart of image analysis. The better the scientist can segment and classify objects of interest in their images, the better quantitative information they can gain, improving the quality of the results.

In 2019 Olympus launched TruAI technology, an image analysis approach based on deep neural networks with a focus in segmentation and classification. TruAI technology makes segmentation and classification easy and accessible by non-experts, even in the most difficult scenarios, like in low contrast brightfield images, low signal-to-noise fluorescence images, or in situations of highly dense cell confluency. When installed in the microscope that is acquiring the images, it speeds up the research as soon as analysis results can be available, shortly after the acquisition has concluded, or even at the same time as the acquisition.

In this tech talk, through a collection of examples measured with our live cell imaging systems, high-content screening station, and whole slide scanner, you will see what TruAI technology can do for your research and get a preview of what is coming next.

Presenter: Manoel Veiga, PhD
Application Specialist, Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions

Manoel Veiga earned his PhD in Physical Chemistry in the University Santiago de Compostela, Spain. Following two postdocs in the Universities Complutense of Madrid and WWU Münster, he joined PicoQuant GmbH. After five years supporting customers worldwide in the fields of FLIM and time-resolved spectroscopy, he joined Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions GmbH in 2017, where he works as Global Application Specialist with a focus on high-content analysis and deep learning.

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Con operaciones intuitivas y un flujo de trabajo sin problemas, la interfaz del usuario del software cellSens puede ser personalizada para que usted controle el diseño. Gracias a su variedad de paquetes de software, el software cellSens proporciona una diversidad de funciones optimizadas para sus necesidades específicas de procesamiento de imágenes. Las funciones de Administrador gráfico experimental (GEM) y Navegador por pocillos facilitan la adquisición de imágenes 5D. Logre una resolución optimizada a través de la deconvolución TruSight™, y comparta sus imágenes mediante el Modo Conferencia.

  • Eficiencia del experimento mejorada con el análisis de segmentación por aprendizaje profundo TruAI™ para la detección de núcleos sin marcado y el recuento de células
  • Plataforma de software modular para el procesamiento de imágenes
  • Interfaz del usuario intuitiva basada en aplicaciones
  • Vasta gama de funciones que van desde la simple toma fotográfica hasta avanzados experimentos multidimensionales en tiempo real
Manoel Veiga
Especialista de aplicaciones - Investigación en Ciencias de la Vida
Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions

Hola. Me llamo Manoel Veiga y soy parte del equipo Olympus que implementó la tecnología de aprendizaje profundo en software. Llegué a Olympus en el año 2017; he desarrollado experiencia en la tecnología de detección de alto contenido, análisis de imágenes y aprendizaje profundo. También soy experto en el procesamiento durable de imágenes de fluorescencia.

El interés por el análisis de datos despertó en mí durante mi doctorado en química física, el cual desarrollé aún más después de descubrir el poder de las redes neuronales de convolución y las increíbles tareas analíticas de imagen que estas últimas son capaces de tratar.

Accelerating Image Analysis with TruAI™ Deep Learning Technologydic 13 2024
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