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FV10-ASW Viewer software (Ver.4.2b)

FV10-ASW Viewer software (Ver.4.2b)

1. General

This software will be read the data captured by FV1200/FV1000/FV500/FV300. Images saved with FV file format (OIF, OIB, FV Multi-Tiff) can be read.
"Export" that is a function to save with the common file format (BITMAP, JPEG, PNG, TIFF etc.) is added and separated from the saving with FV file format.
Since this software is for reading, image capture, measurement, analysis, 3D function etc. can not be used by this software.

2. Software Modifications

  • Main modifications of the FV1200/FV1000 Viewer software Ver. 4.2b
    • Windows 10 Pro is supported.

3.Installation procedure

  1. Before installation
    • This software comes with an "OLYMPUS END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT". Prior to downloading the software, please read the OLYMPUS END-USER LICENSE AGREEMENT for sure. When downloading begins, it automatically assumes that you agreed to this AGREEMENT.
  2. System Requirements
    • Operating System : Microsoft Windows10 Pro 64bit (English)
      Microsoft Windows8.1 Pro 64bit (English)
      Microsoft Windows8 Pro 32/64bit (English)
      Microsoft Windows7 Professional 64bit SP1 (English)
      Microsoft Windows7 Professional 32bit SP1 (English)
      Microsoft WindowsVISTA Business SP1(English)
      Microsoft WindowsXP SP2,SP3(English)
      (OS other than the above are not supported.)
    • Available space in hard disk : 100MB or more (Sufficient space for secure installation.)
    • Display monitor: 1280X1024 pixel resolution with 32bit true colors or more
    • This software cannot be installed on PC where the finished product version of software is installed.
    • Windows Automatic Updates and any Virus Protection program has to be disabled.
    • If you have already installed FV10-ASW in PC, this software cannot be installed.
  3. Download
    • Select the file you want to download from the right side of the page.
    •  * Download file name: [FV10-ASW_Viewer4_2b.zip](65.5MB).
    •  * Serial No. : This is put on the FV1200/FV1000 frame (Refer to fig. listed below.)
    •  * In case of using FV300 or FV500, please contact our dealers.
    • Please use the number printed here for the serial number.
  4. Installation procedure
    • Download the file and double click the Autorun. EXE.
      And then starting the installer.
      After reading the attached document, select the Viewer Installation. Follow the instructions on the screen.

      This software is installed in the following folder.
      C:¥Program File¥OlympusMicro¥FLUOVIEW Viewer or
      C:¥Program File¥OlympusMicro¥FV10-ASW_Trial
  5. Uninstall procedure
    • Select the [Add or Remove Programs] in the Control panel and then select the [OLYMPUS FV1200/FV1000 Viewer].
      After uninstallation, the installed folder and files in that folder remain.
      Please delete them manually if you do not need them.
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