If you’re interested in having more fluorescent markers in your sample, imaging deeper into your sample at high resolution, and conducting live cell imaging with minimal phototoxicity, check out this on-demand webinar from Olympus imaging experts. They will discuss how the FV3000 laser scanning confocal microscope and its near-infrared imaging capabilities can help you achieve your goals.
Think Deep and See Deeper with Near-Infrared Laser Scanning Confocal MicroscopyIf you’re interested in having more fluorescent markers in your sample, imaging deeper into your sample at high resolution, and conducting live cell imaging with minimal phototoxicity, check out this on-demand webinar from Olympus imaging experts. They will discuss how the FV3000 laser scanning confocal microscope and its near-infrared imaging capabilities can help you achieve your goals. Presenters:Srivats Hariharan, Manager, Products and Applications at Olympus Singapore | |
関連製品共焦点レーザー走査型顕微鏡 FV3000
Think Deep, See Deeper with Near-Infrared Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope
- ガルバノスキャナーのFV3000と、ガルバノ/レゾナントのハイブリッドキャナーのFV3000RS
- 高感度・高精度のTruSpectral分光検出器
- 新開発マルチチャンネルモードによる16チャンネルのアンミキシング
- 様々なアプリケーションやサンプルの種類に応じて倒立と正立の組み合わせから選択可能