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Reference Materials

Section Overview:

The following references were of tremendous help in preparing this microscopy primer.

  • Abramowitz, Mortimer; Microscope Basics and Beyond, Olympus Corporation Publishing, New York, vol. 1. (1987).
  • Abramowitz, Mortimer; Contrast Methods in Microscopy: Transmitted Light, Olympus Corporation Publishing, New York, vol. 2 (1987).
  • Abramowitz, Mortimer; Reflected Light Microscopy: An Overview, Olympus Corporation Publishing, New York, vol. 3 (1990).
  • Abramowitz, Mortimer; Fluorescence Microscopy: The Essentials, Olympus Corporation Publishing, New York, vol. 4 (1993).
  • Abramowitz, Mortimer; Optics: A Primer, Olympus Corporation Publishing, New York (1994).
  • Abramowitz, Mortimer; Photomicrography: A Practical Guide, Olympus Corporation Publishing, New York, vol. 5 (1998).
  • Allen, R. M.; The Microscope, D. Van Nostrand Company, Inc., New York (1940).
  • Dr. Alvin, Virginia, and Robert Silverstein; The Kingdom of Life Monerans & Protists, Twenty-First Century Books, Brookfield, Connecticut (1996).
  • American Society for Metals; Metallography and Microstructures, vol. 9 (1985).
  • Bailey, Adrian and Holloway, Adrian; The Book of Color Photography, Alfred A. Knopf, Inc., London (1984).
  • Baker, Henry and Wilson, James; The Microscope Made Easy and Pocket Microscopes, Science Heritage Ltd., Chicago (1987).
  • Barer, R.; Lecture Notes on the Use of the Microscope, Blackwell Scientific Publications, Oxford (1956).
  • Barer, R.; A Vector Theory of Phase Contrast and Interference Contrast: I. Positive Phase Contrast, University of Oxford, Oxford (1952).
  • Barer, R.; A Vector Theory of Phase Contrast and Interference Contrast: II. Positive Phase Contrast, University of Oxford, Oxford (1952).
  • Barer, R.; A Vector Theory of Phase Contrast and Interference Contrast: III. Negative Phase Contrast, University of Oxford, Oxford (1953).
  • Barnard, J.E.; Practical Photo-Micrography, Edward Arnold and Co., London (1925).
  • Bausch and Lomb Optical Co.; Microscopes and Accessories, Rochester, New York (1929).
  • Beavis, Gerald; The Book of The Microscope, J. B. Lippincott Company, London (1931).
  • Beck, Conrad; The Microscope: Theory and Practice, R. and J. Beck, Ltd. London (1938).
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  • Bergner, J., Gelbke, E., and Mehliss, W.; Practical Photomicrography, Focal Press, London and New York (Amphoto) (1966).
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  • Bracegirdle, Brian; A History of Microtechnique, Heinemann Educational Books Ltd., London (1978).
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  • Butkowski, Joel, Kempen, Andra Van; Using Digital Cameras a Comprehensive Guide to Digital Image Capture, Amphoto Books, New York (1998).
  • Caduto, Michael J.; Pond and Brook A guide to Nature in FreshWater Environments, University Press of New England, Hanover and London (1990).
  • Carpenter, William B.; The Microscope and its Revelations, vols. I and II, William Wood and Company, New York (1883).
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  • Catling, Dorothy and Grayson, John; Identification of Vegetable Fibres, Archetype Publications, London (1998).
  • Catt, David; Scenes from the Microscope, Samuel E. Roberts (1905).
  • Chalmers, B. and Quarrel, A. S.; Physical Examination of Metals: vol. 1 Optical Methods, Arnold, London (1960).
  • Chamot, E. M. and Mason, C. W.; Handbook of Chemical Microscopy, John Wiley, New York. (vol. 1), 3rd Edition (1958); (vol. 2), 2nd Edition (1940).
  • Clay, Reginald S. and Court, Thomas H.; The History of the Microscope, Charles Griffin and Company, Limited, London (1932).
  • Collett, Edward; Polarized Light: Fundamentals and Applications, Marcel Dekker, Inc., New York (1993).
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  • Corle, Timothy, R. and Kino, Gordon S.; Confocal Scanning Optical Microscopy and Related Imaging Systems, Academic Press, San Diego (1996).
  • Crouse, R. S., Gray, R. J. and Leslie, B. C.; Interpretive Techniques for Microstructural Analysis, Plenum Press (1997).
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  • Delly, John Gustav; Photography Through the Microscope, Eastman Kodak Company, Kodak Publication P2 (1988).
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  • Desmarias, Louis; Electro Optics, Prentice Hall PTR, New Jersey (1998).
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