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The Use of Multiplexing in Microscopy for Better Understanding the Skin Immune System in the Context of the Tissue

The skin is the first line of defense and the immune system’s biggest barrier for combating pathogens. Being able to accurately characterize and identify immune cell subtypes, tissues structures, and cell distribution in the skin under steady-state conditions provides a powerful tool for understanding the first immunological strategies and biological processes that occur in the presence of pathogens. In this webinar we will review technical aspects involved in the experimental process and explore how complementary imaging technologies might assist us to better understand the immune system.

The presentation is divided into three parts. First, an introduction of the Hugh Green Cytometry Centre will be presented and an overview of the histology and bioimaging technological platforms available. Second, the multiplexing methodology will be discussed, where several topics need to be considered for the design and development of a successful polychromatic panel for microscopy. Finally, preliminary results from a research project will be presented that constitutes part of a diploma program from The Royal Microscopical Society. The project focuses on the identification of immune cell types in the whole mount skin in relation to tissues structures (e.g., blood vessels and lymphatic network). It also centers on the immune cells’ distribution in the tissue as a first barrier of defense against pathogens.

Presenter: Alfonso J. Schmidt
Senior Staff Scientist, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research

Alfonso has a decade of experience working in a Shared Resource Lab (SRL) with a vast knowledge in histology, fluorescent microscopy, and image analysis. His work has been focused in maximizing the capabilities of the equipment available and in creating technical protocols and training modules for the scientific community. Currently, Alfonso oversees the Histology and Bioimaging Facility as part of the Hugh Green Cytometry Centre (HGCC) at the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research. Wellington, New Zealand.  

Produtos Relacionados

Microscópio de escaneamento a laser confocal


  • Disponível para configurações de escâner híbrido galvanômetro/ressonante (FV3000RS) ou apenas galvanômetro (FV3000)
  • Detecção TruSpectral extremamente precisa e eficiente em todos os canais
  • Otimizado para imagem de célula viva com alta sensibilidade e baixa fototoxicidade
  • Inverted and upright frame options to suit a variety of applications and sample types
Escâner de lâminas para pesquisa


O escâner de lâminas para pesquisa VS200 melhora a velocidade e a eficiência de aplicações que requerem a análise quantitativa de um alto volume de amostras, incluindo a pesquisa sobre o cérebro, câncer, células-tronco e descoberta de medicamentos. Capture de forma fácil e rápida imagens de lâminas de alta resolução e alta qualidade e análise, compartilhe e arquive os seus dados facilmente. O sistema VS200 oferece cinco modos de formação de imagem: campo claro, fluorescência, campo escuro, contraste de fase e polarização simples. É possível carregar até 210 lâminas de uma vez para o escaneamento automatizado.

  • Formação de imagem da lâmina inteira de alta resolução, de 2X a 100X 
  • Suporta vários tamanhos de lâmina e métodos de observação
  • Fluxo de trabalho simplificado e poderoso, de campo claro a multiplexação de fluorescência
  • Configurável de maneira única em software e hardware, desde o escaneamento manual de campo claro até o reconhecimento por IA e escaneamento totalmente automatizado

The Use of Multiplexing in Microscopy for Better Understanding the Skin Immune System in the Context of the Tissue

The skin is the first line of defense and the immune system’s biggest barrier for combating pathogens. Being able to accurately characterize and identify immune cell subtypes, tissues structures, and cell distribution in the skin under steady-state conditions provides a powerful tool for understanding the first immunological strategies and biological processes that occur in the presence of pathogens. In this webinar we will review technical aspects involved in the experimental process and explore how complementary imaging technologies might assist us to better understand the immune system.

The presentation is divided into three parts. First, an introduction of the Hugh Green Cytometry Centre will be presented and an overview of the histology and bioimaging technological platforms available. Second, the multiplexing methodology will be discussed, where several topics need to be considered for the design and development of a successful polychromatic panel for microscopy. Finally, preliminary results from a research project will be presented that constitutes part of a diploma program from The Royal Microscopical Society. The project focuses on the identification of immune cell types in the whole mount skin in relation to tissues structures (e.g., blood vessels and lymphatic network). It also centers on the immune cells’ distribution in the tissue as a first barrier of defense against pathogens.

Presenter: Alfonso J. Schmidt
Senior Staff Scientist, Malaghan Institute of Medical Research

Alfonso has a decade of experience working in a Shared Resource Lab (SRL) with a vast knowledge in histology, fluorescent microscopy, and image analysis. His work has been focused in maximizing the capabilities of the equipment available and in creating technical protocols and training modules for the scientific community. Currently, Alfonso oversees the Histology and Bioimaging Facility as part of the Hugh Green Cytometry Centre (HGCC) at the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research. Wellington, New Zealand.  

Produtos Relacionados

Microscópio de escaneamento a laser confocal


  • Disponível para configurações de escâner híbrido galvanômetro/ressonante (FV3000RS) ou apenas galvanômetro (FV3000)
  • Detecção TruSpectral extremamente precisa e eficiente em todos os canais
  • Otimizado para imagem de célula viva com alta sensibilidade e baixa fototoxicidade
  • Inverted and upright frame options to suit a variety of applications and sample types
Escâner de lâminas para pesquisa


O escâner de lâminas para pesquisa VS200 melhora a velocidade e a eficiência de aplicações que requerem a análise quantitativa de um alto volume de amostras, incluindo a pesquisa sobre o cérebro, câncer, células-tronco e descoberta de medicamentos. Capture de forma fácil e rápida imagens de lâminas de alta resolução e alta qualidade e análise, compartilhe e arquive os seus dados facilmente. O sistema VS200 oferece cinco modos de formação de imagem: campo claro, fluorescência, campo escuro, contraste de fase e polarização simples. É possível carregar até 210 lâminas de uma vez para o escaneamento automatizado.

  • Formação de imagem da lâmina inteira de alta resolução, de 2X a 100X 
  • Suporta vários tamanhos de lâmina e métodos de observação
  • Fluxo de trabalho simplificado e poderoso, de campo claro a multiplexação de fluorescência
  • Configurável de maneira única em software e hardware, desde o escaneamento manual de campo claro até o reconhecimento por IA e escaneamento totalmente automatizado
Alfonso J. Schmidt
Senior Staff Scientist
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research

Alfonso has a decade of experience working in a shared resource lab (SRL) with a vast knowledge in histology, fluorescent microscopy, and image analysis. His work has been focused in maximizing the capabilities of the equipment available and in creating technical protocols and training modules for the scientific community. Currently, Alfonso oversees the Histology and Bioimaging Facility as part of the Hugh Green Cytometry Centre (HGCC) at the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research in Wellington, New Zealand.

The Use of Multiplexing in Microscopy for Better Understanding the Skin Immune System in the Context of the TissueDez 13 2024
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