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Strategies for Deep Imaging with Multiphoton Microscopy

Multiphoton microscopy captures high resolution 3D images deep in biological specimens. Of the multiple advantages of this technique, access to deep imaging sites in live tissue is often the primary motivation for utilizing multiphoton microscopy. In this shortcast, we will review some basic principles of multiphoton microscopy and see how these can inform strategies for maximizing depth penetration through highly scattering specimens.


Carlo Alonzo
Associate Product Manager, Multiphoton Microscopy

Strategies for Deep Imaging with Multiphoton Microscopy

Strategies for Deep Imaging with Multiphoton Microscopy

Multiphoton microscopy captures high resolution 3D images deep in biological specimens. Of the multiple advantages of this technique, access to deep imaging sites in live tissue is often the primary motivation for utilizing multiphoton microscopy. In this shortcast, we will review some basic principles of multiphoton microscopy and see how these can inform strategies for maximizing depth penetration through highly scattering specimens.


Carlo Alonzo
Associate Product Manager, Multiphoton Microscopy

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