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Live Cell Imaging with Super-Resolution

As the super-resolution microscopy industry evolves, experimental needs and demands change alongside it. More and more, demand for super-resolution microscopy on live samples has grown and caught the attention of microscope manufacturers.

In this webcast, we will discuss practical limitations for super-resolution imaging in live cells as well as methods to mitigate their effects on experimental data.


Lauren Alvarenga,
Product Manager for Research Imaging
Olympus Corporation

Live Cell Imaging with Super-Resolution

Live Cell Imaging with Super-Resolution

As the super-resolution microscopy industry evolves, experimental needs and demands change alongside it. More and more, demand for super-resolution microscopy on live samples has grown and caught the attention of microscope manufacturers.

In this webcast, we will discuss practical limitations for super-resolution imaging in live cells as well as methods to mitigate their effects on experimental data.


Lauren Alvarenga,
Product Manager for Research Imaging
Olympus Corporation



IXplore IX83 SpinSR

IXplore IX83 SpinSR系统是我们的共焦超分辨率显微镜,针对活细胞样本的3D成像进行了优化。与IXplore Spin系统一样,它也具有转盘式系统,可实现快速3D成像,同时限制光毒性和光漂白。但它可以实现精细到120 nm XY的超分辨率图像,并使您能够通过点击按钮在宽视场、共焦和超分辨率之间切换。

  • 得益于奥林巴斯超分辨率(OSR),可实现精细到120 nm XY的清晰锐利超分辨率成像
  • 因光毒性和光漂白降低,共聚焦延时成像期间的细胞存活时间变长
  • 同时使用两台相机实现快速双色超分辨率成像
  • 使用数值孔径(NA)为1.5、全球较早推出的平面复消色差物镜实现超分辨率成像*
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