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FV3000 Tutorial Videos


1. Starting the System

1. Starting the System

2. Visual Observation with Microscope

2. Visual Observation with Microscope

3. XY Image Acquisition Part 1

3. XY Image Acquisition Part 1

4. XY Image Acquisition Part 2

4. XY Image Acquisition Part 2

5. Virtual Channel Scan

5. Virtual Channel Scan

6. XYZ Image Acquisition

6. XYZ Image Acquisition

7. BrightZ

7. BrightZ

8. XYT Image Acquisition

8. XYT Image Acquisition

9. 4D (XYZT) Image Acquisition

9. 4D (XYZT) Image Acquisition

10. Exiting the Software

10. Exiting the Software


1. Z Limit Setting

1. Z Limit Setting

2. Z Drift Compensation

2. Z Drift Compensation

Multi-Area Time-Lapse (MATL) 

1. Multi-Area Time-Lapse Imaging

1. Multi-Area Time-Lapse Imaging

2. Stitching

2. Stitching

Image Processing

1. 2D View and Operation

1. 2D View and Operation

2. Adjusting the 3D View

2. Adjusting the 3D View

3. Creating 3D Movie

3. Creating 3D Movie

4. Projection

4. Projection

5. Export

5. Export


1. Reloading and Saving Observation Method

1. Reloading and Saving Observation Method

2. Changing the Objectives

2. Changing the Objectives



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