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两款全新的正置FLUOVIEW FV3000显微镜具备业界最快的成像速度
Expanding on the successful FLUOVIEW imaging platform, users can now take advantage of the speed and flexibility of the FV3000 confocal laser scanning microscope in two new upright models designed for in vitro and in vivo experiments.
奥林巴斯的IXplore SpinSR10超分辨率成像系统可以展示出更加精细的细节信息
奥林巴斯IXplore SpinSR10成像系统解决问题的能力突破了常规光学显微镜的极限,可以在单一灵活的平台上使速度、分辨率和效率达到协调平衡的状态。其高帧率和120 nm的XY轴分辨率可使研究人员观察到细胞内部结构的微小细节和运行情况,同时还可以在超分辨率、共聚焦和宽视场成像模式之间进行切换。
Accelerate your routine microscopy work with the Olympus SC180 microscope camera. With a full 18 megapixels, the SC180 camera delivers the high-resolution images required to make insightful observations. The camera delivers excellent performance for brightfield applications, increasing throughput through fast focusing and imaging capabilities while resolving more information on the screen than what can be viewed through the eyepieces.
微·观天下 镜·显奥义 ―― 第七届奥林巴斯杯显微图像大赛盛大启动
The new BX53 microscope features a high luminosity LED system with excellent color rendering performance that provides brightness and color reproduction equal to or better than that of a 100 W halogen lamp. Bright, sharp images can be obtained without additional neutral density or daylight filters. The high luminosity LED can be used to configure multi-head discussion systems for up to 26 people.
Olympus, a global technology leader in designing and delivering innovations in life science and industrial solutions, among other core businesses, announced today that over 250 of its employees from around the country participated in a Day of Caring in Greater-Atlantic City, donating nearly 1,200 hours of volunteer time to local charities. Olympus recognizes the importance of supporting community organizations and is passionate about giving its employees opportunities to get involved.
随时关注cellSens 1.17
Providing flexible object tracking to evaluate dynamic processes and a simplified GUI with 4K support, Olympus’ cellSens imaging software offers sophisticated solutions to extract more research data and save time in clinical laboratories.
Ergonomic and easy to use, the new Olympus CX43 and CX33 microscopes help keep users comfortable during long periods of use, maximizing work efficiency.
Ergonomic and easy to use, the new Olympus CX43 and CX33 microscopes help keep users comfortable during long periods of use, maximizing work efficiency.
奥林巴斯通过其系列生命科学显微镜彰显以工作流为导向的设计品质,FLUOVIEW FV3000和 CX23显微镜因其卓越的产品设计荣获iF国际设计奖。
我们在此通告,钨丝灯将于2018年1月起停止生产。 有关上述停产之前的存货供应问题请咨询您所在地的奥林巴斯显微镜经销商。
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