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Scientific Articles
Klf5 regulates muscle differentiation by directly targeting muscle-specific genes in cooperation with MyoD in mice
oct 15 2016eLife

Shinichiro Hayashi*First author
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan. 

Yumiko Oishi*Last author, Corresponding author
Department of Cellular and Molecular Medicine, Medical Research Institute, Tokyo Medical and Dental University, Tokyo, Japan. 

Light-driven liquid metal nanotransformers for biomedical theranostics
may 31 2017Nature Communications

Svetlana A. Chechetka, Yue Yu, Xu Zhen, Manojit Pramanik, Kanyi Pu & Eijiro Miyako

APUM24 and nucleolar stress
dic 14 2017The Plant Cell

Shugo Maekawa, Tetsuya Ishida, Shuichi Yanagisawa

Herpes simplex virus-1 evasion of CD8+ T cell accumulation contributes to viral encephalitis
sep 11 2017Journal of Clinical Investigation

Naoto Koyanagi, Takahiko Imai, Keiko Shindo, Ayuko Sato, Wataru Fujii, Takeshi Ichinohe, Naoki Takemura, Shigeru Kakuta, Satoshi Uematsu, Hiroshi Kiyono, Yuhei Maruzuru, Jun Arii, Akihisa Kato, Yasushi Kawaguchi

Evidence for ESCRT- and clathrin-dependent microautophagy
ago 24 2017The Journal of Cell Biology

Masahide Oku, Yuichiro Maeda, Yoko Kagohashi, Takeshi Kondo, Mai Yamada, Toyoshi Fujimoto, Yasuyoshi Sakai

Differing contributions of the first and second pharyngeal arches to tympanic membrane formation in the mouse and chick
ago 21 2017Development

Toshiko Furutera, Masaki Takechi, Taro Kitazawa, Junko Takei, Takahiko Yamada, Tri Vu Hoang, Filippo M. Rijli, Hiroki Kurihara, Shigeru Kuratani, Sachiko Iseki

Vesicular nucleotide transporter mediates ATP release and migration in neutrophils
ene 23 2018The Journal of Biological Chemistry

Yuika Harada, Yuri Kato, Takaaki Miyaji, Hiroshi Omote, Yoshinori Moriyama, and Miki Hiasa

Direct Relay Pathways from Lemniscal Auditory Thalamus to Secondary Auditory Field in Mice
oct 01 2018Cerebral Cortex

Shinpei Ohga  Hiroaki Tsukano  Masao Horie  Hiroki Terashima  Nana Nishio Yamato Kubota  Kuniyuki Takahashi  Ryuichi Hishida  Hirohide Takebayashi Katsuei Shibuki

Retinal detachment-induced Müller glial cell swelling activates TRPV4 ion channels and triggers photoreceptor death at body temperature
sep 24 2018The Journal of Neuroscience

Hidetaka Matsumoto, Shouta Sugio, François Seghers, David Krizaj, Hideo Akiyama, Yasuki Ishizaki, Philippe Gailly and Koji Shibasaki

Retinal detachment-induced Müller glial cell swelling activates TRPV4 ion channels and triggers photoreceptor death at body temperature
ago 24 2018The Journal of Neuroscience

Hidetaka Matsumoto, Shouta Sugio, François Seghers, David Krizaj, Hideo Akiyama, Yasuki Ishizaki, Philippe Gailly and Koji Shibasaki

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