Advance Your Science with Laser Scanning Microscopes
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Laser scanning microscopes are used in life science research to understand intra- and intercellular processes that contribute to overall tissue function. To help researchers perform precise 3D imaging for their unique application, we offer a range of customizable laser microscope frames.

Our FLUOVIEW™ FV3000 confocal laser scanning microscopes meet some of the most difficult challenges in modern science. Featuring the high sensitivity and speed required for live cell imaging as well as deep tissue observation, the FV3000 system enables a wide range of imaging modalities, including macro-to-micro imaging, super-resolution microscopy, and quantitative data analysis.

Built for deep imaging in biological tissue, our FVMPE-RS™ multiphoton laser scanning microscope reveals both detail and dynamics in your samples. Innovative features for efficient delivery and detection of photons in scattering media enable high signal-to-noise ratio acquisition. This translates to bright images with precise details—even from deep within the specimen. High sensitivity is matched with high-speed imaging to capture rapid in vivo responses.

In this e-book, we explore the different ways you can use our confocal and multiphoton microscopes to advance your science.


