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Scientific Articles
Autism-like behaviours and enhanced memory formation and synaptic plasticity in Lrfn2/SALM1-deficient mice
2017年 6月12日Nature Communications

守村 直子 先生*First author, Corresponding author
滋賀医科大学 生理学講座 統合臓器生理学部門

有賀 純 先生*Last author, Corresponding author

Autocrine and paracrine interactions between multiple myeloma cells and bone marrow stromal cells by growth arrest-specific gene 6 crosstalk with interleukin-6
2017年 1月31日The Journal of Biological Chemistry

Miki Furukawa 先生*First author
福島県立医科大学 循環器内科学講座

大河原 浩 先生*Corresponding author

竹石 恭知 先生*Last author
福島県立医科大学 循環器内科学講座

Automated platform for cell selection and separation based on four-dimensional motility and matrix degradation

Hannah L. Nowotarski, Peter J. Attayek, and Nancy L. Allbritton

Autophagosomal YKT6 is required for fusion with lysosomes independently of syntaxin 17
2018年 5月22日The Journal of Cell Biology

Takahide Matsui 先生*First author
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Graduate School and Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo

水島 昇 先生*Last author, Corresponding author
Department of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, Graduate School and Faculty of Medicine, The University of Tokyo

Autophagosome formation is initiated at phosphatidylinositol synthase‐enriched ER subdomains
2017年 5月11日The EMBO Journal

西村 多喜 先生*First author
東京大学大学院医学研究科 分子細胞生物学専攻

水島 昇 先生*Last author, Corresponding author
東京大学大学院医学研究科 分子細胞生物学専攻

Autophagosome–lysosome fusion in neurons requires INPP5E, a protein associated with Joubert syndrome
2016年 6月23日The EMBO Journal

長谷川 純矢先生*First author

大阪大学大学院 生命機能研究科 細胞内膜動態研究室

吉森 保先生*Last author, Corresponding author

大阪大学大学院 生命機能研究科 細胞内膜動態研究室

Autophagy induction and antiproliferative effect of a novel curcumin derivative MOMI‐1 on the human lung cancer cells A549
2018年11月28日Journal of Biochemical and Molecular Toxicology

Guang‐Zhou Zhou, Yan‐Yan Shi, Lin‐Lin Wei, Gang‐Chun Sun 

Autophagy induction under carbon starvation conditions is negatively regulated by carbon catabolite repression
2017年10月17日The Journal of Biological Chemistry

Atsuhiro Adachi 先生*First author
The Cell Biology Center, Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology

大隅 良典 先生*Last author, Corresponding author
The Cell Biology Center, Institute of Innovative Research, Tokyo Institute of Technology

B-1a lymphocytes promote oligodendrogenesis during brain development
2018年 3月05日Nature Neuroscience

田辺 章悟 先生*First author
World Premier International Immunology Frontier Research Center, Osaka University

山下 俊英 先生*Last author, Corresponding author
World Premier International Immunology Frontier Research Center, Osaka University

BACE inhibition-dependent repair of Alzheimer’s pathophysiology
2017年 6月22日Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Aylin D. Keskin, Maja Kekuš, Helmuth Adelsberger, Ulf Neumann, Derya R. Shimshek, Beomjong Song, Benedikt Zott, Tingying Peng, Hans Förstl, Matthias Staufenbiel, Israel Nelken, Bert Sakmann, Arthur Konnerth, and Marc Aurel Busche

