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Product Demo: FLUOVIEW™ FV3000 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope

Bülent Peker, Senior Product Marketing Manager demonstrates how the FV3000 confocal laser microscope can expand your research possibilities and enable you to get more data from your samples.

Presenter: Bülent Peker
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Olympus Europa

Bülent Peker is an expert on laser scanning microscopy. He first developed an interest in microscopy and photonics during his PhD in physical chemistry, where he worked on time-resolved two-photon microscopy, and this passion has been with him ever since.

Bülent has been with Olympus for over 13 years and has helped the team introduce cutting-edge laser scanning microscopes to the market. He’s particularly fascinated by the application of multiphoton systems and the customization possibilities of laser scanning systems.

Product Demo: FLUOVIEW™ FV3000 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope

Bülent Peker, Senior Product Marketing Manager demonstrates how the FV3000 confocal laser microscope can expand your research possibilities and enable you to get more data from your samples.

Presenter: Bülent Peker
Senior Product Marketing Manager, Olympus Europa

Bülent Peker is an expert on laser scanning microscopy. He first developed an interest in microscopy and photonics during his PhD in physical chemistry, where he worked on time-resolved two-photon microscopy, and this passion has been with him ever since.

Bülent has been with Olympus for over 13 years and has helped the team introduce cutting-edge laser scanning microscopes to the market. He’s particularly fascinated by the application of multiphoton systems and the customization possibilities of laser scanning systems.

Bülent Peker
제품 마케팅 수석 관리자

안녕하세요. Bülent Peker 입니다. 레이저 스캐닝 현미경의 지정 전문가입니다. 물리화학 박사 과정에서 시간 분해 2광자 현미경을 연구하였으며 이때 현미경 및 광산업에 처음으로 관심을 가지게 되었는데 이후 이러한 열정이 계속 되었습니다. Olympus에 일한 지 13년이 넘었으며 첨단 레이저 스캐닝 현미경 시판 팀에서 활동하였습니다. 다광자 시스템의 응용과 레이저 스캐닝 시스템의 맞춤화 가능성에 특히 관심이 많습니다. 

Product Demo: FLUOVIEW™ FV3000 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope2024년12월15일
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