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FluidFM: a novel approach to CRISPR gene editing by direct intra-nuclear delivery

Olympus Life Science and Cytosurge have teamed up to present a webinar on how to overcome one of the biggest challenges in gene editing: delivery of reagents into the nucleus.

With traditional delivery methods, such as lipofection or electroporation, the success of CRISPR-Cas mediated gene editing is limited and stressful for the cells. Typically, only one edit can be introduced at once, and its size will be limited. The reagents must pass through the cell membrane, cytoplasm, and nuclear envelope before reaching the nucleus. Traditional delivery methods are not optimized for this long journey, which explains why low transfection efficiency rates are common and often coupled with low viability.

The Cytosurge FluidFM® BOT BIO Series can overcome the limitations of traditional transfection methods by directly delivering the desired cargo with a force-sensitive nanosyringe into the nucleus. This method is easy, cargo-independent, and gentle, enabling you to introduce well-defined mixes, such as Cas9, repair templates, and multiple gRNA into the cell nucleus.

Improved efficiency and viability are especially critical when working with rare or hard-to-transfect cells such as induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), neurons, or cardiomyocytes—or when delivering large repair templates.

See these improvements for yourself by registering today. You’ll learn:

  • How the FluidFM BOT BIO Series overcomes established gene editing limitations
  • How the nano-injection process works through a live demonstration


Presenter Dr. Paul Monnier

Dr. Paul Monnier
Field Application Scientist, Cytosurge AG
Dr. Paul Monnier obtained his PhD in molecular biology from the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris while working on non-coding RNAs involved in epigenetic growth control of the embryo. After a postdoc at ETH Zurich working on CRISPR genetic screens in stem cells and X-chromosome inactivation, he joined Cytosurge to set up their new biology laboratory. Paul currently develops applications and protocols related to FluidFM technology in the life science field.

Dr. Pablo Doerig

Dr. Pablo Doerig
VP Research Solutions, Cytosurge AG
Dr. Pablo Doerig is a trained micro- and nanosystems engineer and won the ETH medal for his outstanding PhD thesis on FluidFM, in which he built prototype FluidFM systems and established proof-of-principle experiments with biologist collaborators. After joining Cytosurge as an application specialist, he later took on product management and is now responsible for Cytosurge’s global sales operation. With 10 years of FluidFM experience and a good connection to both customers and partners, he brings the research market's voice into Cytosurge.

Register now:

September 30, 2020 at 10 a.m. EDT
4 p.m. CEST
September 30, 2020 at 2 p.m. EDT
8 p.m. CEST

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