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Whole Slide Imaging

In whole slide imaging, a complete slide is scanned in high resolution and digitized, allowing you to easily analyze, share, and archive your data. Slide scanners like the Olympus SLIDEVIEW VS200 place high demands on optical components—they greatly benefit from X Line objective’s high numerical aperture, excellent flatness, and wide chromatic correction. As a result, they provide high-resolution images of your slides for quantitative analysis and enable you to make the most of the information your slides have to offer.

See the Truth

Improved flatness, numerical aperture, and chromatic aberration correction combine to deliver clear, high-resolution images with excellent color reproduction. Clearly observe important evaluation factors, such as true tissue color, cell morphology, and microparticles in the nucleus.

Better Flatness, Better Stitching

Expanded image flatness enhances the accuracy of stitched images between neighboring fields of view. As a result, the high-resolution virtual slide images acquired using the VS200 slide scanner seamlessly stitch together without artifacts, and accurate focus is maintained on a macro and micro level.

Tonsil CD3 (rm), ImmPRESS Reagent (HRP) Anti-Mouse IgG Immpact DAB (brown), AE1/AE3(m) ImmPRESS (AP) (HRP) Anti-Rabbit IgG Immpact Vector Red (red). Counterstained with Hematoxylin QS (blue).

Sample slides courtesy of Vector Labs.

Discover Your Sample’s True 3D Form

Excellent Multiplexing

You can also acquire more than four channels of high-quality fluorescence virtual slide images at high speed. X Line objective’s broad chromatic aberration correction from 400–1000 nm helps you to overlay fluorescence images more accurately with a wider range of wavelengths.

Lung tissue imaged on a VS200 with a 20X X Line objective stained with an Ultivue PD-L1 kit multiplex kit; Dapi: Nuclear Counterstain, FITC: CD8, TRITC: CD68, Cy5: PD-L1, Cy7: panCK.

Image data courtesy of Ultivue Inc.

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