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Scientific Articles
Isolation and Characterization of Neural Stem Cells from the Rat Inferior Colliculus
2019年10月29日Stem Cells International

Johannes Völker, Jonas Engert, Christine Völker, Linda Bieniussa, Philipp Schendzielorz, Rudolf Hagen, and Kristen Rak

A metabolomics footprint approach to understanding the benefits of synbiotics in functional foods and dietary therapeutics for health, communicable and non-communicable diseases
2019年10月28日Food Research International

Abhishek Cukkemane, Prashant Kumar, Bharathwaj Sathyamoorthy

3D-tips: user-friendly mesh barrier pipette tips for 3D-spheroid culture
2019年10月28日Journal of Biological Engineering

Mo Chen, Marie-Laure Vial, & James A. St. John

Assembly Mechanism of Highly Crystalline Selenium-Doped Hydroxyapatite Nanorods via Particle Attachment and Their Effect on the Fate of Stem Cells
2019年10月28日ACS Biomaterials Science & Engineering

Yan LiYan Li, Yan Li, Hang Hao, Zhengyu Zhong, Mengdie Li, Jiaqi Li, Yingying Du, Xiaodan Wu, Jianglin Wang, Shengmin Zhang

Supramolecular Assembly of Amino Acid Based Cationic Polymer for Efficient Gene Transfection Efficiency in Triple Negative Breast Cancer
2019年10月25日ACS Applied Bio Materials

Rima Saha, Sagar Bhayye, Shuvam Ghosh, Achintya Saha, and Kishor Sarkar

Development of pickering emulsified polymeric gel system for conformance control in high temperature reservoirs
2019年10月25日Journal of Petroleum Science and Engineering

Tinku Saikia, Abdullah Sultan, Assad A. Barri, Nur Iman Khamidy, Abdulmalek A.S hamsan, Ayman Almohsin, Mohammed Bataweel

The Interactome analysis of the Respiratory Syncytial Virus protein M2-1 suggests a new role in viral mRNA metabolism post-transcription
2019年10月24日Scientific Reports

Camille Bouillier, Gina Cosentino, Thibaut Léger, Vincent Rincheval, Charles-Adrien Richard, Aurore Desquesnes, Delphine Sitterlin, Sabine Blouquit-Laye, Jean-Francois Eléouët, Elyanne Gault & Marie-Anne Rameix-Welti

Pterostilbene Attenuates Experimental Atherosclerosis through Restoring Catalase-Mediated Redox Balance in Vascular Smooth Muscle Cells
2019年10月23日Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry

Wei Wang, Ya-Ru Wang, Jing Chen, Ya-Jun Chen, Zhao-Xia Wang, Ming Geng, De-Cong Xu, Zi-Ying Wang, Jin-Hua Li, Zhong-Dong Xu, Li-Long Pan, Jia Sun

ORP4L couples IP3 to ITPR1 in control of endoplasmic reticulum calcium release
2019年10月23日The FASEB Journal

Xiuye Cao, Jianuo Chen, Dan Li, Peipei Xie, Mengyang Xu, Weize Lin, Shiqian Li, Guoping Pan, Yong Tang, Jun Xu, Vesa M. Olkkonen, Daoguang Yan, and Wenbin Zhong

Convergent evolution of the UbiA prenyltransferase family underlies the independent acquisition of furanocoumarins in plants
2019年10月23日New Phytologist

Ryosuke Munakata, Sakihito Kitajima, Andréïna Nuttens, Kanade Tatsumi, Tomoya Takemura, Takuji Ichino, Gianni Galati, Sonia Vautrin, Hélène Bergès, Jérémy Grosjean, Frédéric Bourgaud, Akifumi Sugiyama, Alain Hehn, Kazufumi Yazaki


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