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Scientific Articles
Jul 17 2023The EMBO Journal

Wan C, Zhang H, Cheng H, Sowden RG, Cai W, Jarvis RP, Ling Q

Jul 07 2023Nature Communications

Fang A, Wang Y, Guan N, Zuo Y, Lin L, Guo B, Mo A, Wu Y, Lin X, Cai W, Chen X, Ye J, Abdelrahman Z, Li X, Zheng H, Wu Z, Jin S, Xu K, Huang Y, Gu X, Yu B, Wang X

Jul 02 2023Insects

Hiura T, Yoshida H, Miyata U, Asami T, Suzuki Y

Jun 01 2023The EMBO Journal

Cohen N, Aviram N, Schuldiner M

May 30 2023Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences

Wang J, Fu Y, Huang W, Biswas R, Banerjee A, Broussard JA, Zhao Z, Wang D, Bjerke G, Raghavan S, Yan J, Green KJ, Yi R

May 30 2023Nature Communications

Wu SA, Shen C, Wei X, Zhang X, Wang S, Chen X, Torres M, Lu Y, Lin LL, Wang HH, Hunter AH, Fang D, Sun S, Ivanova MI, Lin Y, Qi L

May 10 2023Jneurosci

Margot P. Wohl, Jett Liu and Kenta Asahina

Apr 10 2023Molecular Psychiatry

Naveen Nagarajan, Mario R. Capecchi

Apr 01 2023Brain and behavior

Yoshimura R, Miyasaka T, Funamoto S, Saito T, Saido TC, Ikegawa M, Kakuda N

Apr 01 2023Nature

Sun Q, Lee W, Hu H, Ogawa T, De Leon S, Katehis I, Lim CH, Takeo M, Cammer M, Taketo MM, Gay DL, Millar SE, Ito M

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