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A New Way of Thinking—Object Detection with Deep Learning

Image analysis is widely used in life science to quantify and understand events in biological samples. Object detection and segmentation are key processes for image analysis to identify our area of interest in the images. Then we can quantify morphological information, intensities, velocities in tracking, etc.

Conventional segmentation has not always been accurate and efficient; however, our eyes and brains can identify where our areas of interest are from experience. Using deep learning, we can train a neural network with ground truth information to carry out this complex task. Once the neural network has been created properly, it can help segment objects in a similar way as your brain. Deep learning sounds like it requires programming skills, but our software does not require programming skills and is easy to use.

In this session, we will discuss object segmentation with deep learning and its applications in life science. We will also demo Olympus deep-learning software.

Presenter: Akira Saito
Assistant Manager, Marketing and Applications, Olympus Singapore

Akira studied veterinary medicine at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan and graduated in 2007. Shortly after, he joined Olympus as application specialist responsible for in vivo imaging systems, high-content analysis systems, and laser confocal systems to support customers in Japan. In 2013, he took over sales promotion for all Olympus life science products. From 2018, he moved to Singapore and joined to support the marketing and application support for the APAC market.

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Con operaciones intuitivas y un flujo de trabajo sin problemas, la interfaz del usuario del software cellSens puede ser personalizada para que usted controle el diseño. Gracias a su variedad de paquetes de software, el software cellSens proporciona una diversidad de funciones optimizadas para sus necesidades específicas de procesamiento de imágenes. Las funciones de Administrador gráfico experimental (GEM) y Navegador por pocillos facilitan la adquisición de imágenes 5D. Logre una resolución optimizada a través de la deconvolución TruSight™, y comparta sus imágenes mediante el Modo Conferencia.

  • Eficiencia del experimento mejorada con el análisis de segmentación por aprendizaje profundo TruAI™ para la detección de núcleos sin marcado y el recuento de células
  • Plataforma de software modular para el procesamiento de imágenes
  • Interfaz del usuario intuitiva basada en aplicaciones
  • Vasta gama de funciones que van desde la simple toma fotográfica hasta avanzados experimentos multidimensionales en tiempo real

A New Way of Thinking—Object Detection with Deep Learning

Image analysis is widely used in life science to quantify and understand events in biological samples. Object detection and segmentation are key processes for image analysis to identify our area of interest in the images. Then we can quantify morphological information, intensities, velocities in tracking, etc.

Conventional segmentation has not always been accurate and efficient; however, our eyes and brains can identify where our areas of interest are from experience. Using deep learning, we can train a neural network with ground truth information to carry out this complex task. Once the neural network has been created properly, it can help segment objects in a similar way as your brain. Deep learning sounds like it requires programming skills, but our software does not require programming skills and is easy to use.

In this session, we will discuss object segmentation with deep learning and its applications in life science. We will also demo Olympus deep-learning software.

Presenter: Akira Saito
Assistant Manager, Marketing and Applications, Olympus Singapore

Akira studied veterinary medicine at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan and graduated in 2007. Shortly after, he joined Olympus as application specialist responsible for in vivo imaging systems, high-content analysis systems, and laser confocal systems to support customers in Japan. In 2013, he took over sales promotion for all Olympus life science products. From 2018, he moved to Singapore and joined to support the marketing and application support for the APAC market.

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Con operaciones intuitivas y un flujo de trabajo sin problemas, la interfaz del usuario del software cellSens puede ser personalizada para que usted controle el diseño. Gracias a su variedad de paquetes de software, el software cellSens proporciona una diversidad de funciones optimizadas para sus necesidades específicas de procesamiento de imágenes. Las funciones de Administrador gráfico experimental (GEM) y Navegador por pocillos facilitan la adquisición de imágenes 5D. Logre una resolución optimizada a través de la deconvolución TruSight™, y comparta sus imágenes mediante el Modo Conferencia.

  • Eficiencia del experimento mejorada con el análisis de segmentación por aprendizaje profundo TruAI™ para la detección de núcleos sin marcado y el recuento de células
  • Plataforma de software modular para el procesamiento de imágenes
  • Interfaz del usuario intuitiva basada en aplicaciones
  • Vasta gama de funciones que van desde la simple toma fotográfica hasta avanzados experimentos multidimensionales en tiempo real
Akira Saito
Assistant Manager, Marketing and Applications
Olympus Singapore

Akira studied veterinary medicine at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan and graduated in 2007. Shortly after, he joined Olympus as application specialist responsible for in vivo imaging systems, high-content analysis systems, and laser confocal systems to support customers in Japan. In 2013, he took over sales promotion for all Olympus life science products. From 2018, he moved to Singapore and joined to support the marketing and application support for the APAC market.

A New Way of Thinking—Object Detection with Deep Learningmay 13 2024
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