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Alec De Grand
Alec De Grand

Alec De Grand

Gerente de producto

Soy Alec De Grand, ocupo el cargo de gerente de producto para escáneres de portaobjetos virtuales y microscopios verticales en Olympus. Llevo más de 10 años en Olympus, gestionando productos clínicos, iniciativas de mercadotecnia, cursos relativos al procesamiento de imágenes y exposiciones comerciales.

Bülent Peker

Bülent Peker

Gerente sénior de mercadotecnia de productos

Hola. Me llamo Bülent Peker, y soy el experto designado para la microscopía de escaneo láser. Durante mi doctorado en química física, desarrollé un interés absolutamente nuevo por la microscopía y la fotónica, que me llevó a trabajar en la microscopía de dos fotones de resolución temporal; desde entonces, esta pasión me acompaña. 

Llevo más de 13 años en Olympus y he contribuido a la introducción y comercialización de sus microscopios de escaneo láser de última generación. Me fascina particularmente la aplicación de los sistemas multifotónicos y las posibilidades de personalización de los sistemas de escaneo láser. 

Chunsong Yan

Chunsong Yan

Gerente de desarrollo comercial - Ciencias de la Vida

Hola, me llamo Chunsong Yan. Soy gerente de desarrollo comercial en ciencias de la vida para Olympus Australia & New Zealand (Nueva Zelanda). Actualmente me desarrollo como responsable de los sistemas de escaneo confocal, multifotónico, lámina/hoja de luz y portaobjetos. Entré a Olympus en el año 2003 y he ocupado varios cargos con el fiel compromiso de ofrecer la mejor solución de Olympus a nuestros clientes.

Daniel Bemmerl

Daniel Bemmerl

Gerente de área - Sistemas de microscopía de última generación

Soy Daniel Bemmerl. Puedo ayudarle con cualquier tema asociado a los análisis 3D de alto contenido y al procesamiento de imágenes de organoides. Me integré a Olympus como especialista de aplicaciones en microscopía TIRF y cribado de alto contenido; pero, ahora me especializo en softwares de análisis 3D.

Estudié biología molecular y de células madre del desarrollo; no obstante, desde muy temprano me di cuenta que me interesaban más los aspectos técnicos de la investigación y, sobre todo, el procesamiento de las imágenes en sí más que los especímenes analizados. Llegué a Olympus Life Science debido al interés que despertaba en mí la fórmula de trabajar fuera de un laboratorio y establecer un vínculo entre el cliente y el desarrollo. Me complacerá responder a cualquiera de sus preguntas sobre el procesamiento de imágenes  3D, y ayudar a mejorar su proceso de adquisición de imágenes para que pueda enfocarse en su investigación.

Dr. Nicolas Bourg

Dr. Nicolas Bourg

Director técnico y cofundador de Abbelight

Hola. Soy el Dr. Nicolas Bourg, Director Técnico (CTO) y Cofundador de Abbelight. He sido designado experto para la microscopía de localización de molécula única (SMLM), también conocida como nanoscopía, que incluye técnicas como PALM, dSTORM, SPT-PALM y DNA-PAINT.

Me he formado como ingeniero optrónico y seguido un doctorado en Ciencia Biofotónica, otorgado por la Universidad Paris-Saclay, a través del cual he podido trabajar en una exclusiva técnica nanoscópica 3D dotada de una resolución sin precedentes. Junto con mi equipo de investigación, deseábamos transmitir todo el conocimiento adquirido durante mi doctorado y creamos Abbelight: una empresa de nueva creación que tiene como objetivo generar una nanoscopía más potente y de total accesibilidad para cualquier biólogo principiante en microscopía. Mi mandato es responder a todas sus preguntas sobre la nanoscopía; por lo tanto, no dude en contactarme. 

Flavio Giacobone

Flavio Giacobone

Gerente de mercadotecnia de producto

Hola, soy Flavio Giacobone, responsable de las soluciones para el escaneo de portaobjetos destinadas a los mercados de Olympus Europa. Las imágenes siempre han formado parte de mi ser; desde que obtuve mi título en ingeniería biomédica y llegué a Olympus, he podido experimentar de primera mano el cambio a la tecnología digital, que acontece en muchos campos clínicos y de investigación. Mi experiencia en el procesamiento de imágenes se desarrolló en un inicio con el primer escáner de Olympus, el dotSlide. Esto me ha permitido ser testigo incontestable del avance al que se ha llegado desde aquel primer producto.

Ganesh Kadasoor

Ganesh Kadasoor

Especialista de aplicaciones para Olympus Medical Systems India Ltd

Soy Ganesh Kadasoor, y formo parte del sector de Procesamiento de imágenes de última generación de Olympus (Olympus High End Imaging) desde los últimos 15 años en India. Poseo una licenciatura y maestría en Ciencias de la Vida y he cursado un doctorado en Entomología Médica, ofrecido por la Universidad de Mysore en India. Me incorporé a Olympus como especialista de microscopía confocal; me he encargado de todos los sistemas de imágenes de última generación, como los sistemas para el procesamiento de imágenes de células vivas, de escaneo láser confocal, TIRF, confocal de disco giratorio, súper resolución y multifotón. Actualmente, trabajo como gerente de nivel nacional (sector de Soporte para Aplicaciones) de Olympus Medical Systems India Ltd, en Bangalore. Este cargo implica llevar a cabo programas de capacitación para científicos, académicos y redes de distribuidores en todo el país. También, tengo bajo mi responsabilidad la organización de varios talleres de microscopía e imágenes, seminarios y seminarios web que se llevan a cabo en India, además del soporte que otorgo en los cursos de microscopía a nivel nacional e internacional como tutor/formador.

Heiko Gäthje

Heiko Gäthje

Formador sénior - Academia de capacitación

Hola, me llamo Heiko Gäthje. Mi experiencia en microscopía de fluorescencia confocal y campo amplio, además del procesamiento de imágenes 3D, comenzó cuando trabajaba como biólogo; mi enfoque se orientó a estudiar el desarrollo neuronal de insectos y la estructura del ácido siálico que une las proteínas neurales en mamíferos.

Formo parte de Olympus desde el año 2004 y ejerzo como formador de microscopía en la Academia de capacitación de Olympus desde el año 2008. Bajo mi responsabilidad, se lleva a cabo la concepción e introducción de herramientas de aprendizaje digital. También apoyo e imparto cursos de formación asociados a la microscopía en el Laboratorio EMBL Heidelberg y sobre microscopía avanzada en la Escuela de Invierno de Zúrich. Estas actividades me llevan a responder muchas preguntas relacionadas con el procesamiento y análisis de imágenes.

Irina Rakotoson

Irina Rakotoson

Gerente de producto - Ciencias de la Vida

Hola, soy Irina. Me encantaría dialogar con usted sobre la microscopía de lámina/hoja de luz. Poseo una maestría en biología belular, fisiología y patología especializada en envejecimiento, otorgada por la Universidad Paris-Descartes. Antes de formar parte de la empresa PhaseView en calidad de gerente de producto, trabajé para un laboratorio de investigación de neurociencias (SPPIN) con el objetivo de optimizar los protocolos de limpieza destinados a la instalación central de microscopía.

Junsung Kim

Junsung Kim

Especialista de producto - Olympus Korea

Hola, me llamo Junsung Kim y soy especialista de producto para microscopios confocales destinados al mercado de Olympus Korea. Poseo una maestría en bioingeniería, otorgada por la Universidad de Corea. Formo parte de Olympus desde el año 2014 y proporciono soporte para aplicaciones de clientes que cuentan con microscopios confocales y multifotónicos de Olympus.

Kathy Lindsley

Kathy Lindsley

Especialista de aplicaciones - Ciencias de la Vida

Soy Kathy Lindsley, especialista de aplicaciones para Olympus y encargada del soporte destinado a sistemas de procesamiento de imágenes basados en cámaras. Poseo una licenciatura en Ciencias, bajo la concentración de Bioquímica, otorgada por la Universidad Estatal de Iowa. Me incorporé a Olympus en el año 2006 como representante de ventas en el campo de procesamiento de imágenes para la investigación, e hice la transición en el año 2012 al grupo de aplicaciones de ciencias de la vida. Antes de formar parte de Olympus, trabajé 15 años como asistente de investigación para una investigación académica, a partir de la cual gané experiencia sobre la técnica de fijación en parche de membrana (patch clamp), el procesamiento de imágenes de calcio, los cultivos tisulares y la inmunohistoquímica.

Lauren Alvarenga

Lauren Alvarenga

Gerente de producto - Microscopía de Ciencias de la Vida

Hola, me llamo Lauren Alvarenga y soy gerenta de producto para sistemas de procesamiento de imágenes destinados a la investigación en Olympus. Actualmente soy responsable de la gestión de softwares de imágenes, como también de microscopios invertidos y de súper resolución. Poseo una licenciatura en Ciencias, bajo la concentración de Comunicación y Fotografía Biomédica, otorgada por el Instituto de Tecnología de Rochester.
Regulación postranscripcional del transportador de fosfato renal Npt2a por la hormona paratiroidea. Formo parte de Olympus desde el año 2015 y  presto apoyo a la línea de productos FLUOVIEW en las siguientes regiones: EE. UU., Canadá y América Latina.

Manoel Veiga

Manoel Veiga

Especialista de aplicaciones - Investigación en Ciencias de la Vida

Hola. Me llamo Manoel Veiga y soy parte del equipo Olympus que implementó la tecnología de aprendizaje profundo en software. Llegué a Olympus en el año 2017; he desarrollado experiencia en la tecnología de detección de alto contenido, análisis de imágenes y aprendizaje profundo. También soy experto en el procesamiento durable de imágenes de fluorescencia.

El interés por el análisis de datos despertó en mí durante mi doctorado en química física, el cual desarrollé aún más después de descubrir el poder de las redes neuronales de convolución y las increíbles tareas analíticas de imagen que estas últimas son capaces de tratar.

Minju Kim

Minju Kim

Especialista de producto - Olympus Korea

Hola, soy Minju Kim, especialista de producto para microscopios biológicos en Olympus Korea. He trabajado para Olympus desde el año 2010 como especialista de producto y ventas de alto nivel para los sistemas de procesamiento de imágenes de células vivas y fluorescencia. Asimismo, soy responsable de los programas de formación para los distribuidores de Corea del Sur.

Rebecca Bonfig

Rebecca Bonfig

Gerente de producto - Microscopía Confocal

Hola. Soy Rebecca Bonfig, directora de producto en microscopía confocal de Olympus. Completé mi tesis de posgrado en el departamento de fisiología y biofísica de la Universidad de Louisville, cuyo estudio trataba sobre la regulación postranscripcional del transportador renal de fosfato Npt2a por la hormona paratiroidea. Formo parte de Olympus desde el año 2015 y  presto apoyo a la línea de productos FLUOVIEW en las siguientes regiones: EE. UU., Canadá y América Latina.

Shohei Imamura

Shohei Imamura

Gerente de proyectos estratégicos - Medicina Regenerativa y Soluciones de Descubrimiento de Fármacos

Soy Shohei Imamura, gerente de proyectos estratégicos en Olympus. Cuento con cuatro años de experiencia en ventas dentro del ámbito de la microscopía científica, y siete años en planificación de productos, especialmente softwares, como también en la gestión y ejecución de proyectos estratégicos. Poseo una licenciatura en Comercio de la Universidad Meiji en Japón.

Srivats Hariharan

Srivats Hariharan

Gerente de producto y aplicación - Olympus Singapore

Hola! Me llamo Srivats Hariharan, también conocido como Hari. Soy director de producto para el ámbito de microscopía confocal, multifotónica y de súper resolución en Olympus Singapur. Poseo un licenciatura en Ingeniería Mecánica otorgada por la Universidad Tecnológica de Nanyang, ubicada en Singapur; y, he adquirido experiencia trabajando para laboratorios de investigación biomédica y para la sede madre de A * STAR Microscopy Platform, en donde  apoyé a investigadores con respecto a tecnologías de procesamiento de imágenes de células vivas y confocales, y ayudé a configurar una microscopía de súper resolución mono molecular y de lámina/hoja de luz. 
Formo parte del equipo de Ciencias de la Vida (Life Science) de Olympus Singapore desde el año 2011 en calidad de gerente de producto, además he sido responsable de apoyar a clientes de investigación y socios comerciales en el sudeste asiático y Taiwán.

Stefan Marawske

Stefan Marawske

Especialista sénior en ventas - Sistemas de última generación para Ciencias de la Vida

Hola, soy Stefan Marawske, su experto en microscopía de súper resolución. Durante mi doctorado en química física, creé un microscopio doméstico dedicado a ofrecer una súper resolución basada en la localización y el seguimiento de partículas. Me fascinó el hecho de que estos métodos pudieran superar el famoso límite de Abbe y sean capaces de resolver estructuras que antes no podían ser identificadas.

Trabajo para Olympus desde hace más de 7 años y he sido de manera general responsable de gestionar sistemas de procesamiento de imágenes de última generación, como con la  tecnología TIRF o de disco giratorio. Estos sistemas suelen tener un alto nivel de flexibilidad, ya que pueden combinarse con muchos dispositivos distintos para diversas aplicaciones; por lo tanto, si necesita ayuda para determinar una configuración específica, contácteme.

Takeo Ogama

Takeo Ogama

Planificador sénior de productos y estrategias/ Gerente de producto

Soy Takeo Ogama, planificador sénior de productos y estrategias, como también gerente de producto para cámaras microscópicas de Olympus. Poseo ocho años de experiencia de trabajo, adquiridos en el departamento de investigación y desarrollo a través de varios productos, incluidas las cámaras, como también ocho años de experiencia en planificación, mercadotecnia y gestión de productos. Antes de llegar a formar parte de Olympus, obtuve mi maestría en Física de Neutrinos, otorgada por la Universidad de Osaka, en Japón.

Wei Juan Wong

Wei Juan Wong

Especialista sénior de productos - Olympus Singapore

¡Hola! Soy Wei Juan Wong, especialista de productos para el mercado clínico y de investigación.  Poseo una licenciatura en Física y he adquirido experiencia trabajando en un laboratorio de investigación biofísica y una unidad central de microscopía. Formo parte del grupo de Ciencias de la Vida  (Life Science) de Olympus Singapur desde el año 2018. He comenzado como especialista en productos, brindando soporte para las aplicaciones de clientes y he sido responsable del programa de capacitación destinado a los distribuidores de la región del sudeste asiático.

Klaus Willeke

Klaus Willeke

Product Marketing Manager

Hello, I’m Klaus Willeke, Product Marketing Manager at Olympus Life Science Division and I’m responsible for our new X Line objectives. During my geology studies, the polarization microscope was an essential tool for determining and researching mineral compositions and structures. I was always fascinated by how colorful the world of minerals appears through a polarization microscope and how much you can discover with the help of light and good optics.

I’ve been working for Olympus for more than 22 years where I was 17 years a sales representative for industrial and life science microcopy in Germany and after that in European Product Marketing in the Scientific Solutions Division of Olympus, responsible for upright clinical and research microscopes and X Line lenses. 

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai

Medical Director, Bloom IVF Group

Dr Hrishikesh Pai did his Fellowship in Reproductive Biology from the Royal Women’s Hospital, Melbourne Australia in 1989. He did his Masters in Clinical Embryology and Andrology from the Jones Institute, Eastern Virginia Medical School, USA in 2006. He has won 45 plus awards including the Honorary FRCOG from the Royal College of Obstetricians & Gynecologists, United Kingdom in 2019. Dr Pai has been the Past President of the Indian Society for Assisted Reproduction (ISAR) and is the present Director of Corporate Affairs for International Federation of Fertility Societies (IFFS). Dr Pai is the President Elect of the Federation of Obstetric and Gynecological Societies of India (FOGSI) with a membership strength of 37,000 members. It is the second largest medical body of gynecologists in the world, only second to the ACOG.

Hiroya Ishihara

Hiroya Ishihara

Applications Scientist

Mr. Hiroya Ishihara is an Application Scientist at Olympus. He was studying the epigenetic factors involved in plant regeneration using omics and microscopy in Tokyo University of Science. Confocal and two-photon microscopy were his trusted partner at that time. Therefore, he joined Olympus to make life science more exciting with microscopes. Currently, he is working on a wide range of projects from basic research to product/sales strategy.

Dr. Gowri Balachander

Dr. Gowri Balachander

Research Fellow, Translation Mechanobiology lab, National University of Singapore

Dr. Gowri Balachander is a Research Fellow at the Yong Loo Lin School of Medicine, National University of Singapore. She completed her PhD at the prestigious Indian Institute of Science, Bangalore, India where she worked on engineering 3D organotypic models for the study of breast cancer metastasis. At NUS, she currently works on morphogenetic models for human liver development and regeneration.

Joanna Hawryluk

Joanna Hawryluk

Product Manager

Joanna Hawryluk is a product manager for Olympus Corporation of the Americas located in Waltham, MA. She has been with Olympus since 2017 within the Marketing department specializing in our 3D cell analysis software, lightsheet microscopy, electrophysiology, and our cell culture monitoring system. Dr. Hawryluk received her doctorate degree in Physiology and Neurobiology in 2016 from the University of Connecticut.

Benjamin Compans, Ph.D.

Benjamin Compans, Ph.D.

Marie Curie Research Fellow

Benjamin received his Ph.D. from the University of Bordeaux. During his Ph.D., in the group of Dr. Choquet at the Interdisciplinary Institute for Neuroscience, he studied the nanoscale organization of glutamate receptors at excitatory synapse and its importance for synaptic plasticity. In 2018, he joined the lab of Professor Burrone at King’s College London for his postdoc where he investigates the molecular organization of inhibitory synapses and its role in regulating neuronal firing, a project for which he obtained a Marie Sklodowska-Curie Action postdoctoral fellowship.

Lin Guo

Lin Guo

Manager, Product and Application Life Science Department Scientific Solutions Business Division

Lin got his PhD back in 2010 in National University of Singapore working on biophysical research. From 2009 he joined Olympus as Technical and Application specialist taking care of laser based high end imaging system. In 2012, Lin decided to move back to China and taking a position with one of the leading scientific camera manufacturers Photometrics. There, he started as application specialist, later become regional sales manager and finally scientific sales manager for Asia Pacific. In 2021, Lin moved back to Singapore, joining Olympus Singapore as the manager for product and application. Lin has a long experience of various techniques on scientific digital imaging including various camera technologies.

Angela Vasaturo

Angela Vasaturo

Senior Field Application Scientist, Ultivue, Inc.

Hello, my name is Angela Vasaturo, the senior field application scientist at Ultivue. My passion for micro-biology and live-cell imaging began during my post-doc, where I was involved in the early development of multiplex IHC in Europe.
I built my expertise through extensive involvement in post-doc research focused on tumor immunology at the NCMLS in Nijmegen, NL, as well as during my position as Senior Researcher in Dr. Jerome Galon’s Laboratory of Integrative Cancer Immunology at the Cordeliers Research Center.

Shogo Usui

Shogo Usui

Product Leader

My name is Shogo Usui and I'm product leader of CM20 at Olympus Corporation.

For over ten years, I have been an electrical engineer in the life science R&D team in Olympus Tokyo. I hold a Master’s degree in applied physics from the University of Electrical and Communication from Tokyo, Japan.

Dr. Anne Beghin

Dr. Anne Beghin

Assistant Professor, Research Mechanobiology Institute

Dr. Anne Beghin is a multidisciplinary scientist with fifteen years of extensive research experience across academia and industry. She obtained her PhD in oncology in 2007 at the University Claude Bernard in Lyon (France). She then moved to optical microscopy at the Université de Lyon, where she established the microscopy platform and developed live cell imaging solutions and image analysis services for 4 years.

In 2011, she was recruited by a biotechnology company based in Bordeaux, where she spent 3 years in charge of a tissue analysis service: from biologic samples (whole tissue sections and Tissue Micro Arrays) to image acquisition and analysis with database establishment. She has been part of the Interdisciplinary Institute of NeuroScience IINS for 3 years where she successfully developed a new platform linking the High Content Screening (HCS) approach with super resolution microscopy such as Single Molecule Light Microscopy (HCS-SMLM), a collaboration with pharmaceutical company, Sanofi. Subsequently, she moved to the MechanoBiology Institute (MBI) in Singapore to study organoids using advanced imaging and HCS. This work has resulted in a patent and publications are on-going.

Dr. Xiaotong Cui

Dr. Xiaotong Cui

Field Application Specialist

Dr. Xiaotong Cui received his B.S. and M.Sc. from the University of Leicester, UK. He went on to receive aPh.D. from the Institute of Life Science, Kyoto University in 2018, where he worked under the direction of Prof. Osamu Takeuchi. From 2018-2020, he was a program-specific researcher in Shenzhen Digital Life Institute and ASHBi, Japan. Dr. Xiaotong has a solid background in molecular cell biology, immunology and he participated in one special program for Key Basic Research of Ministry of Science and Technology, China. Now, he serves as a Field Application Specialist in Bio-Techne China.

Dr. Kasmira Wilson

Dr. Kasmira Wilson


Dr. Kasmira Wilson is a general surgeon and CSSANZ trainee, having previously completed a BSc(Hons) and MBBS. She is currently undertaking a PhD through the University of Melbourne at Peter MacCallum cancer centre which focuses on translational research in rectal cancer. Her research utilises tumouroid models to explore anti-tumour immunity in rectal cancer in a novel functional cytotoxic assay.

Dr. Dan Zhu

Dr. Dan Zhu


Dr. Dan Zhu is a professor of Huazhong University of Science & Technology, and Vice-Director of Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics. Her research interests mainly focus on tissue optical clearing imaging and applications. She is the pioneer in the field of in vivo tissue optical clearing, and also developed fast, label-compatible in vitro optical clearing methods. She has authored more than 150 papers including Science Advances, Nature Communications, et al. She is also Fellow of SPIE, and Secretary General & Vice President of Biomedical Photonics Committee of Chinese Optical Society. She serves for journals as editorial member or guest editor, including Biomedical Optics Express, Journal of Biomedical Optics, Scientific Reports, Journal of Innovative Optical Health Sciences, Frontier of Optoelectronics et al.

Dr. Graham Wright

Dr. Graham Wright

Acting Director

Dr. Graham Wright holds an interdisciplinary PhD in cell biology and physics from The University of Edinburgh and an MBA from the Warwick Business School at The University of Warwick. He is the Acting Director of A*STAR’s Research Support Centre (RSC) and the Director of the A*STAR Microscopy Platform (AMP). RSC offers everything from on-demand access to sophisticated scientific instruments and services, located within varied Technology Platforms, to a research consumables webstore, playing a crucial role in powering biomedical innovation in Singapore.

Dr. Graham has extensive experience, and a strong publication record, in applying advanced light microscopy to a wide range of biomedical research projects. Outside the laboratory, he is committed to science outreach and has featured as a judge on MediaCorp’s National Science Challenge TV show, presented a TEDx talk, had microscopy images displayed on the big screen in Times Square, New York and exhibited work at the National Museum of Singapore.

Mr. Srivats Hariharan

Mr. Srivats Hariharan

Manager, Applications and Marketing

Mr. Srivats Hariharan is an Applications & Marketing Manager in Olympus life science team in the Asia Pacific region. He holds a bachelor’s degree in Mechanical Engineering from Nanyang Technological University, Singapore and has experience working in biomedical research labs and A*STAR Microscopy Core Facility where he supported researchers on confocal and live cell imaging technologies and help setup single molecule super-resolution and light sheet microscopes. He joined the life-science team of Olympus Singapore in 2011 as Product Manager and in-charge of supporting research customers and business partners in South-East Asia and Taiwan.

Ms. Gency Gunasingh

Ms. Gency Gunasingh

Research Assistant

Ms. Gency Gunasingh completed her Master of biotechnology degree from University of Queensland in 2012 and did her Masters project under Dr. Andrew Prowse and Prof. Peter Gray at Australian Institute for Bioengineering and Nanotechnology. Her primary area of research was large scale generation of cardiac progenitors from embryonic stem cells in 3D. She then worked under Prof. Brian Gabrielli at UQ Diamantina institute on developing 3D tumour spheres in melanoma for in vitro drug testing. She currently works for Prof. Nikolas Haass at UQDI on understanding tumour heterogeneity and tumour architecture in melanoma spheroids.

Dr. Dong Gao

Dr. Dong Gao

Principal Investigator

Dr. Dong Gao is the Principal Investigator of Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. His research interests mainly focus on t prostate adult stem cell and the establishment of patients-derived cancer organoid biobank. He has authored more than 40 papers including Cell, Nature Genetics, Cell Stem Cell et al.

Dr. Yu Weimiao

Dr. Yu Weimiao

Head of Computational & Molecular Pathology Lab (CMPL) Agency of Science

Dr. Yu Weimiao obtained his Ph.D. from the National University of Singapore (NUS) in 2007, majoring in image processing and machine vision. He joined the Agency of Science, Technology and Research (A*STAR) in 2007. He is currently heading Computational Digital Pathology Lab (CMPL) in BII to deepen and extend the R&D with clinical and industrial partners. He is also the joint PI in IMCB leading the Computational & Molecular Pathology Lab (CMPL). His research interests are Computational Biomedical Image Analysis and Quantitative Imaging Informatics. He applied 3D image analysis solution to segment and tracking the cells in 3D to understand the developmental problem and collective cell migration mechanisms. His work was published in Nature Communication, Current biology, Nature Cell Biology, etc. To enhance the applications in clinical diagnosis/prognosis, he co-founded a biotech company, known as A!maginostic Pte. Ltd. He established a world-class joint platform for the immunodiagnosis at the tissue level. The platform allows the researchers, clinicians, and pharma to profile the patient immune signature for diagnosis, prognosis, and drug response study.

Dr. Motoki Takagi

Dr. Motoki Takagi


Dr. Motoki Takagi received PhD from Graduate School of Agriculture and Life Sciences, the University of Tokyo in 2001. Then he continued his research as a postdoctoral fellow at Institute of Molecular and Cellular Biosciences, the University of Tokyo. He was engaged in the research of nucleic acid drugs at Genencare Research Institute, Co. Ltd. since 2002. Since 2006, he conducted drug discovery research at Biological Systems Control Team, Biomedicinal Information Research Center, Japan Biological Informatics Consortium. Since 2012, he has been researching chemical biology as an associate professor at Fukushima Medical University and became a professor in 2014.

Dr. Ningbo Wu

Dr. Ningbo Wu

Associate Professor

Dr. Ningbo Wu is an Associate Professor at Shanghai Institute of immunology, Shanghai Jiaotong University School of Medicine. His research interests mainly focus on the function of intestinal stromal cells in intestinal homeostasis and related work was published in Nature and Science CHINA Life Sciences, et al.

Dr. Nuno Costa-Borges

Dr. Nuno Costa-Borges

Embryologist and Co-founder of Embryotools

Nuno Costa-Borges is devoted to offering quality control (QC) tests, training, and consulting services to the IVF community worldwide. With over 18 years’ experience, Nuno completed a PhD focused on improving animal cloning efficiency before joining IVI Barcelona as a clinical embryologist. Now, as cofounder and scientific director of Embryotools, Nuno is committed to developing new IVF techniques, which have led to the world’s first babies via maternal spindle transfer for infertility and to the development of the first robotic system for intracytoplasmic sperm injection successfully tested clinically.

Akira Saito

Akira Saito

Assistant Manager, Marketing and Applications

Akira studied veterinary medicine at Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan and graduated in 2007. Shortly after, he joined Olympus as application specialist responsible for in vivo imaging systems, high-content analysis systems, and laser confocal systems to support customers in Japan. In 2013, he took over sales promotion for all Olympus life science products. From 2018, he moved to Singapore and joined to support the marketing and application support for the APAC market.

Bob McLean

Bob McLean

Regents’ Professor

Bob McLean has over 30 years’ experience as a microbiologist, during which time he and his lab have done a number of studies on surface-adherent microorganisms (biofilms). In 1998, he and his colleagues had an experiment on the space shuttle with John Glenn, in which they were one of the first research groups to show that biofilms could form in microgravity. Since that discovery, there have been a number of biofilm issues, notably instances of fouling in the water recovery system in the International Space Station and other spacecraft. In 2015, Bob, along with collaborators at Arizona State and the Johnson Space Center, received a NASA grant to study biofilm formation during spaceflight. Confocal and other types of microscopy have been instrumental in these investigations.

Jesse Chao

Jesse Chao


Jesse completed his Ph.D. at the University of British Columbia (UBC) in cell biology and genomics. He then continued his training at the University of California, San Diego. After, he switched his focus to developing machine learning approaches for assessing the physiological impacts of genetic variants associated with hereditary cancer at UBC. During this time, he started to develop deep learning approaches to automated phenotypic profiling based on high-content imaging data.

James Lopez

James Lopez

National Applications Manager

James Lopez received his Ph.D. in biomedical sciences from the University of Chicago in 2010. With nearly a decade of experience in calcium imaging, FRET, live cell imaging, and intravital imaging, James joined Olympus as a confocal and multiphoton sales representative. He later transitioned to the Olympus Life Science Applications Group, supporting confocal and multiphoton systems. Now he manages the Life Science Applications Group in the US, Canada, and Latin America markets.

Yosuke Yoneyama

Yosuke Yoneyama

Assistant Professor

Yosuke Yoneyama obtained his Ph.D. from The University of Tokyo in Japan, where he continued his post-doctoral work on insulin/insulin-like growth factor signaling with a focus on spatiotemporal control of the intracellular signaling system in the laboratory of Dr. Shin-Ichiro Takahashi. He then joined the laboratory of Dr. Takanori Takebe at Tokyo Medical and Dental University in Japan as an assistant professor. He now focuses on human organoids, in particular liver organoids, that are derived from stem cells, including induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), to reconstitute multiple lineages of liver cells both for human development and modeling diseases such as non-alcoholic steatohepatitis.

Ewa Goldys

Ewa Goldys

Deputy Director

Professor Ewa M. Goldys is Deputy Director of the Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Nanoscale Biophotonics (cnbp.org.au) and Professor at the Graduate School of Biomedical Engineering, the University of New South Wales, Sydney, Australia.  She is Fellow of SPIE, OSA, the Australian Academy of Technological Science and Engineering (ATSE), and winner of the 2016 Australian Museum Eureka Prize for ‘Innovative Use of Technology.’ She has ongoing involvement with SPIE BIOS, the world's largest international biomedical optics meeting and SPIE's Photonics West where she serves as Track Chair in Nanobiophotonics.

Her research spans the areas of biomedical science, bioimaging, biosensing, and materials science. She developed novel approaches to biochemical and medical sensing and deployable medical diagnostics. Current projects focus on cancer nanotechnology and non-invasive high-content imaging of colors and patterns in cells and tissues.

Laura Vittadello

Laura Vittadello

Department of Physics and Center of Cellular Nanoanalytics

Dr. Laura Vittadello is working as a post-doc in the physics department of the Osnabrück University in the ultrafast physics research group. Her research focus is on the fundamental study and application of a new type of marker, harmonic nanoparticles, that are specially designed for biological applications that involve nonlinear microscopy.

Francesco Cardarelli

Francesco Cardarelli

Associate Professor in Applied Physics

After receiving his M.Sc. in Biological Sciences from the University of Pisa in Oct 2003 and his Diploma in Biological Sciences in the same year (both with honors) from SNS, Francesco Cardarelli worked at the NEST Laboratory of SNS as a Ph.D. student in Molecular Biophysics under the supervision of Prof. Fabio Beltram. He started his interdisciplinary research at the crossroads between cell biology and physics, using advanced fluorescence microscopy methods to study the intracellular transport properties of virus-derived peptide sequences. After graduating, he became a Post-Doctoral Fellow at the Laboratory for Fluorescence Dynamics, University of California at Irvine, under the supervision of Prof. Enrico Gratton, where he coordinated the research activity for the development of new spatial variants of fluorescence correlation spectroscopy to detect barriers to molecular diffusion/flow in live cells. In Dec 2010 he was hired by the CNI@NEST (IIT) as a Post-Doctoral Fellow. Back in Italy, he started working to develop new fluorescence-based imaging and analysis methods to study single molecules in complex biological systems with high spatiotemporal resolution. This research was boosted by a number of funded grants (and established collaborations) and by an independent scientific position, first at CNR as a Researcher, then at SNS as Professor in Applied Physics.

The focus of his research is on the development of new optical microscopy techniques to increase the amount of quantitative information that can be extracted from investigations on living matter. For instance, in recent years, he and his team introduced a number of new spatiotemporal fluctuation-analysis tools (iMSD, iRICS, nD-pCF, diffusion tensor analysis, etc.) to extract structural and dynamic properties of biological objects, from molecules to entire sub-cellular structures, in their complex natural environment. Such a toolbox is becoming a new paradigm for biophysical investigations at the nanoscale, as featured in the “New and Notable” section of Biophysical Journal (2016 Aug 23; 111(4): 677–678). In 2014, together with his Team, they demonstrated the occurrence of short-range protein Brownian motion in the cell cytoplasm, being among the first to challenge the current view of the structural organization of the crowded intracellular environment. Finally, by combining this toolbox with feedback-based orbital tracking, they demonstrated that even the nanoscopic and dynamic environment of intracellular organelles can be quantitatively probed.

Sandrine Roy

Sandrine Roy

Business Development Manager

Dr. Roy completed a double-major in Biochemistry and Microbiology followed by the completion of a Doctor of Philosophy in 2002 in the field of Molecular Biology/Cell Biology at the University of Queensland Australia. She travelled abroad to undertake a post-doctoral position at Washington University in St Louis, USA. She then returned to Australia to continue her post-doctoral studies.

With her extensive microscopy experience, she was appointed as the University of Queensland Diamantina Institute Microscopy Facility Manager in 2009 and later as manager of microscopy services at the Translational Research Institute in Brisbane until 2019.

She is now Business Development Manager at Olympus Australia, where her experience and knowledge is used to support customers both in Australia and New Zealand.

Seungil Kim

Seungil Kim

Staff Scientist

Seungil Kim, Ph.D., is a Staff Scientist and Microscopy Team Manager at the Lawrence J. Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine at USC. Dr. Kim completed his B.S. and M.S. degrees in South Korea. He then moved to Washington University and received a doctoral degree in Developmental Biology. He carried out his postdoctoral research in the department of Cell and Tissue Biology at UCSF. Seungil has over 10 years of experience working with various in vitro/in vivo models and advanced cellular imaging techniques. His current research focus is to understand the contributions of the tumor microenvironment to drug response, using patient-derived 3D organoids as a model system. Moreover, he is developing high-throughput automated imaging methods to screen novel drug compounds in colorectal cancer.

Alfonso J. Schmidt

Alfonso J. Schmidt

Senior Staff Scientist

Alfonso has a decade of experience working in a shared resource lab (SRL) with a vast knowledge in histology, fluorescent microscopy, and image analysis. His work has been focused in maximizing the capabilities of the equipment available and in creating technical protocols and training modules for the scientific community. Currently, Alfonso oversees the Histology and Bioimaging Facility as part of the Hugh Green Cytometry Centre (HGCC) at the Malaghan Institute of Medical Research in Wellington, New Zealand.

Tong Wu

Tong Wu

Business Development Manager

Tong Wu joined Olympus in 2012 after completing her Ph.D. in China (State Key Laboratory of Fine Chemicals, DLUT). Now, Tong is a business development manager, supporting high-end microscopes in Olympus Australia. With a research background in fluorescent dyes for bio-imaging and bio-labelling, Tong Wu is enthusiastic to engage with customers’ research applications.

Ruben Portugues

Ruben Portugues

Institute of Neuroscience

Prof. Portugues is a neurobiologist studying sensorimotor control. His research group uses behavior, modeling, optogenetics, in vivo electrophysiology, and whole brain functional calcium imaging to dissect learning, memory, and action selection in the larval zebrafish.

Prof. Portugues studied mathematics and did his Ph.D. in theoretical physics at Trinity College in the University of Cambridge. After a short postdoctoral fellowship in physics at Centro de Estudios Cientificos in Valdivia, Chile, he joined Professor Florian Engert’s laboratory at Harvard University and switched research interests to neuroscience. In 2014 he was appointed Max Planck Research Group Leader at the Max Planck Institute of Neurobiology in Martinsried. Since 2020 Prof. Portugues is an assistant professor at the TUM.

Dr. Thomas Bauer-Jazayeri

Dr. Thomas Bauer-Jazayeri

Director of Marketing and Sales evorion biotechnologies

Atsuya Toda

Atsuya Toda

Assistant Manager, Life Science Research Solutions, Global Marketing Evident

Atsuya Toda is an assistant manager for Global Life Science Marketing at Evident. He has more than fifteen years’ experience in life science microscopy sales, sales planning, and marketing in Japan. In 2021, he moved to the Global Life Science Marketing team where he is the marketing representative for the APEXVIEW APX100 all-in-one microscope. He holds a Bachelor of Economics degree from Doshisha University, Japan.

Dr. Laura Lleras Forero

Dr. Laura Lleras Forero

Product Marketing Manager

Laura Lleras Forero is the product marketing manager for cell culture products at Evident. She completed her PhD at King’s College London and undertook postdocs in Utrecht, Berlin, and Münster. She has been with Evident since 2021, supporting cell culture microscopy solutions, the SLIDEVIEW™ VS200 research slide scanner, and the APEXVIEW™ APX100 all-in-one microscope for Europe, the Middle East, and Africa (EMEA).

Ines Hartmann

Ines Hartmann

Ines Hartmann is an application specialist for cell handling at the Eppendorf headquarters in Hamburg, Germany. She joined the company in 2008 and has worked on several topics in cell handling, liquid handling, and consumables. She obtained her diploma degree in biology at the Humboldt University of Berlin, Germany and has expertise in various laboratory techniques.

Amin El-Heliebi

Amin El-Heliebi

Featured Speaker Amin El-Heliebi (Professor) Professor Amin El-Heliebi was educated in Graz, Stockholm and Buenos Aires and was appointed Research Professor 2021 at the Medical University of Graz, Austria. His research focus lies in molecular biomarkers, cancer research, liquid biopsy, tumor biology, and spatial transcriptomics. His overarching research question deals with understanding tumor dissemination. His research group investigates liquid biopsies, such as circulating tumor cells (CTCs) and circulating tumor DNA (ctDNA). Their overall aim is to track and trace liquid biopsies back to the originating tumor mass and identify the mechanisms involved in spreading of metastatic disease.

Pregunte a los expertos

Investigating Tumor Dissemination by Spatial Transcriptomics

ln this webinar, I will introduce our spatial transcriptomics approach to investigate predictive biomarkers in colon cancer and disease relapse. I will show an imaging-based in situ sequencing approach that enables the visualization and quantification of greater than 200 different RNA transcripts directly on formalin fixed and paraffin embedded cancer tissue.

Transforming Precision Imaging: Meet the FLUOVIEW™ FV4000 Confocal Microscope

Bülent Peker
Gerente sénior de mercadotecnia de productos
Join us on a transformative journey with the FLUOVIEW FV4000 confocal laser scanning microscope. This innovative platform introduces our breakthrough SilVIR™ detector technology that makes it easier than ever to acquire precise, reproducible data.

Introduction to the APEXVIEW™ APX100 Digital Imaging System

Dr. Laura Lleras Forero
Product Marketing Manager
Join our webinar for an exclusive virtual demo of the APEXVIEW APX100 digital imaging system.

How Polarized Light Can Assist Embryologists in Clinical Routines

Dr. Nuno Costa-Borges
Embryologist and Co-founder of Embryotools
In this webinar, we’ll review how polarized light can assist embryologists in different research and clinical applications.

Unveiling Nanoscopic Realms: A Journey into Super-Resolution Microscopy

Join us in this webinar as we unfurl the potential of Abbelight's super-resolution microscopy.

Multiplexing and Deep Tissue Imaging with NIR Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (Encore Edition)

Get another chance to learn about fluorescence multiplexing and deep tissue imaging using near-infrared (NIR) laser light in this replay of our webinar with confocal specialists Bülent Peker and Rebecca Bonfig.

Good Cell Culture Practice—How to Improve the Reproducibility of Your Experiments

Dr. Laura Lleras Forero
Product Marketing Manager
Ines Hartmann
Eppendorf SE
The life science reproducibility crisis is especially frequent in cell culture studies. In this webinar we will focus on the factors that affect reproducibility in cell culture experiments and on how to control and minimize them. The webinar will take place on June 29 at 10 a.m. EDT/4 p.m. CEST.

EVIDENT Organoid Conference 2023 - Looking Deeper, Capturing Complexities

Join us at this year's virtual Evident Organoid Conference—Looking Deeper, Capturing Complexities on February 8, 2023. Hear from industry leaders on the latest advances and applications in the field of organoids and organ-on-a-chip research. Cell biologists, microscopists, and image analysis experts will share their expertise and answer your questions.

Exceptional Imaging Made Easy: Meet the APEXVIEW™ APX100 All-in-One Microscope

Atsuya Toda
Assistant Manager, Life Science Research Solutions, Global Marketing Evident
Akira Saito
Assistant Manager, Marketing and Applications
Olympus Singapore
Join this webinar to learn more about the features and capabilities of the APX100 microscope and see a live demonstration of the system.

Technology Evaluation: Deciphering Cell-Cell Interactions in a 3D Microenvironment at a Single-Cell Resolution

Dr. Thomas Bauer-Jazayeri
Director of Marketing and Sales evorion biotechnologies
evorion biotechnologies
Join Thomas to learn how easily you can implement evorion’s advanced microfluidics-based CellCity System to unravel the cellular and molecular mechanisms of cell-to-cell interactions in a 3D microenvironment at a single-cell resolution. Discover Evident and evorion’s joint workflow solution that enables you to find your highly characterized specific cells of interest for high-resolution live-cell imaging using our IXplore™ microscope systems in a user-friendly manner.

Conferencia Bioimagen de Olympus: Explorar nuevas dimensiones | Evento virtual de 3 días | 9 al 11 de marzo de 2022

Bioimaging is an essential tool used to image and analyze cells, tissues, and molecules in fields such as drug discovery, diagnostics, life science, and clinical research. Rapid advances in imaging technology have enabled researchers to visualize and quantify specimens in ways that were, until recently, impossible. With the advent of technologies such as super-resolution and AI-assisted imaging, researchers can now clearly observe their specimens on the nanometer scale and have access to stress-free, accurate data analysis. The objective of this virtual conference is to explore and understand recent innovations in light microscopy bioimaging technologies. Over the 3-day event, our expert speakers will discuss topics such as super-resolution microscopy, F-techniques including FRAP and FRET, and novel probes.
Imágenes de células vivas con superresolución: El cuadro completo de las cosas pequeñas

Imágenes de células vivas con superresolución: El cuadro completo de las cosas pequeñas

Chunsong Yan
Gerente de desarrollo comercial - Ciencias de la Vida
Olympus Australia & New Zealand
Lauren Alvarenga
Gerente de producto - Microscopía de Ciencias de la Vida
Stefan Marawske
Especialista sénior en ventas - Sistemas de última generación para Ciencias de la Vida
Olympus Europa
En este seminario web, los expertos de procesamiento de imágenes de Olympus Stefan, Lauren y Chunsong explicarán cómo crear imágenes de superresolución de forma sencilla.

FV3000 Red Near-Infrared (NIR) Solutions for Confocal Microscopy | 2 p.m.

James Lopez
National Applications Manager
Olympus America Inc.
In this webinar, Dr. Lopez presents the latest advances in near-infrared (NIR) confocal imaging with the Olympus FV3000 Red confocal laser scanning microscope. NIR imaging provides new opportunities for deeper imaging, more complex multiplexing, and gentler live cell imaging. Tune in to learn more about our FV3000 Red system’s unique technology providing novel NIR imaging capabilities.

FV3000 Red Near-Infrared (NIR) Solutions for Confocal Microscopy | 10 a.m.

James Lopez
National Applications Manager
Olympus America Inc.
In this webinar, Dr. Lopez presents the latest advances in near-infrared (NIR) confocal imaging with the Olympus FV3000 Red confocal laser scanning microscope. NIR imaging provides new opportunities for deeper imaging, more complex multiplexing, and gentler live cell imaging. Tune in to learn more about our FV3000 Red system’s unique technology providing novel NIR imaging capabilities.

Olympus Organoid Conference 2021

During the Olympus Organoid Conference, cell biologists, microscopists, and image analysis experts shared their insights and answered questions on the latest developments in organoid technologies.

Objetivos microscópicos: Donde acontece la magia

Klaus Willeke
Product Marketing Manager
Lauren Alvarenga
Gerente de producto - Microscopía de Ciencias de la Vida
A través de este seminario web, Lauren y Klaus desean enfatizar la importancia de contar con una óptima óptica dentro de un sistema complejo, como un microscopio. Diferentes aspectos, primordiales para una óptima calidad de imagen final, serán explicados.
Cribado de alto contenido: Análisis personalizado simplificado

Cribado de alto contenido: Análisis personalizado simplificado

Manoel Veiga
Especialista de aplicaciones - Investigación en Ciencias de la Vida
Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions
Shohei Imamura
Gerente de proyectos estratégicos - Medicina Regenerativa y Soluciones de Descubrimiento de Fármacos
En este seminario web, Manoel y Shohei, nuestros expertos en cribado de alto contenido y aprendizaje profundo, presentan el generador de ensayos del sistema scanR. El sistema scanR de Olympus es la plataforma dedicada al cribado de alto contenido con un enfoque y análisis de navegación de muestras únicos, inspirados en la citometría de flujo.

Análisis de imágenes tridimensionales de alto rendimiento de organoides y esferoides derivados de pacientes

Hiroya Ishihara
Applications Scientist
Olympus Technologies Asia, Olympus Corporation
Los organoides y esferoides pueden reproducirse con mayor fidelidad en condiciones in vivo, y el análisis basado en el procesamiento de imágenes permite monitorear las respuestas específicas de las células con alta resolución espacial. Por lo tanto, se han ido desarrollando análisis tridimensionales y métodos de evaluación de fármacos basados en el procesamiento de imágenes gracias a organoides y esferoides tumorales derivados de pacientes.
Cumbre Discovery de Olympus

Cumbre Discovery de Olympus: Mejore su procesamiento de imágenes | Del 26 al 27 de octubre de 2021

Durante dos días completos de presentaciones virtuales, manténgase conectado con sus colegas para ser testigos de las formas en que se están utilizando las técnicas de imágenes para avanzar en las investigaciones. También podrá asistir a demostraciones de productos en directo y a charlas técnicas de expertos de Olympus.

Segunda parte: Procesamiento de imágenes digitales — Filtro de procesamiento de imágenes avanzado

Heiko Gäthje
Formador sénior - Academia de capacitación
Olympus Europa
En nuestro primer seminario web sobre este tema, se aprendió que las imágenes capturadas con un microscopio óptico nunca son el reflejo perfecto de nuestras muestras. Siempre existen fuentes de error; pero como sólo es posible minimizar tales errores, los datos sin procesar de un experimento de imágenes a menudo necesitarán algún procesamiento de imagen digital antes del análisis final de la imagen.
Procesamiento de imágenes de múltiples estructuras subcelulares a escala nanométrica 3D

Procesamiento de imágenes de múltiples estructuras subcelulares a escala nanométrica 3D

Dr. Nicolas Bourg
Director técnico y cofundador de Abbelight
Súmese al seminario web del Dr. Nicolas Bourg, cofundador de Abbelight, en el que nos comenta lo rápido y fácil que puede ser la obtención de imágenes de alta calidad, fiables y comprensibles a partir de una sola molécula de las muestras con una resolución de 15 nm en 3D.

Whole-Brain Functional Calcium Imaging Using Light Sheet Microscopy

Ruben Portugues
Institute of Neuroscience
Technical University of Munich
Light sheet microscopy is a powerful technique to perform fast volumetric imaging. I will talk about how we use it to investigate how the brain of a small vertebrate, the larval zebrafish, works. In our laboratory at the Technical University of Munich, we are interested in how the brain processes external sensory stimuli and uses internal states and past experiences to select appropriate behavior. In order to do this, we image the activity of almost all 100,000 neurons in the brain of larval zebrafish while we present the animals with stimuli and monitor their behavior. I will also discuss the data processing steps after acquiring these large datasets.

Product Demo: SLIDEVIEW™ VS200 Research Slide Scanner

Wei Juan Wong
Especialista sénior de productos - Olympus Singapore
Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions
In this product demo you will learn how to capture high-resolution images of your slides for quantitative analysis, enabling you to make the most of the information your slides have to offer. Easily analyze, share, and archive your data with the SLIDEVIEW VS200 digital slide scanner. Join this session and learn how to achieve more in less lead time.

Product Demo: SLIDEVIEW™ VS200 Research Slide Scanner

Chunsong Yan
Gerente de desarrollo comercial - Ciencias de la Vida
Olympus Australia & New Zealand
Tong Wu
Business Development Manager
Olympus Australia New Zealand
The Olympus SLIDEVIEW VS200 research slide scanner captures high-quality virtual slide images and enables advanced quantitative image analysis. Reliable virtual slide data can be acquired with as few as two clicks. Highly versatile, the SLIDEVIEW VS200 slide scanner supports five observation methods and a wide range of sample sizes for use in various applications. Its automatic slide loader accommodates many slide glasses, helping increase experiment efficiency.

The Use of Multiplexing in Microscopy for Better Understanding the Skin Immune System in the Context of the Tissue

Alfonso J. Schmidt
Senior Staff Scientist
Malaghan Institute of Medical Research
The skin is the first line of defense and the immune system’s biggest barrier for combating pathogens. Being able to accurately characterize and identify immune cell subtypes, tissues structures, and cell distribution in the skin under steady-state conditions provides a powerful tool for understanding the first immunological strategies and biological processes that occur in the presence of pathogens. In this webinar we will review technical aspects involved in the experimental process and explore how complementary imaging technologies might assist us to better understand the immune system. The presentation is divided into three parts. First, an introduction of the Hugh Green Cytometry Centre will be presented and an overview of the histology and bioimaging technological platforms available. Second, the multiplexing methodology will be discussed, where several topics need to be considered for the design and development of a successful polychromatic panel for microscopy. Finally, preliminary results from a research project will be presented that constitutes part of a diploma program from The Royal Microscopical Society. The project focuses on the identification of immune cell types in the whole mount skin in relation to tissues structures (e.g., blood vessels and lymphatic network). It also centers on the immune cells’ distribution in the tissue as a first barrier of defense against pathogens.

Recent Advances in 3D Imaging and AI-Driven Data Analysis

Seungil Kim
Staff Scientist
Ellison Institute for Transformative Medicine at the University of Southern California
This presentation will highlight various imaging techniques for 3D models, immunostaining with tissue clearing, and live imaging of organoids as well as AI-driven data analysis for high-content imaging and screening.

Now You Have the Power to See More

Sandrine Roy
Business Development Manager
Olympus Australia & New Zealand
The Olympus VS200 digital slide scanner has been very well received since its release in March 2020. With a reliable, flexible, and customizable design, the system has been adopted by various industries including research, geology, and many others. View this session to find out more and see examples of samples scanned using this popular addition to the Olympus product range.

Metabolic Imaging in Langerhans Human Islets with MPE and FLIM

Francesco Cardarelli
Associate Professor in Applied Physics
Scuola Normale Superiore of Pisa
Capturing life (mis)regulation at the nanoscale is a crucial challenge for present and future biophysics. At this scale, the main actors are the molecules. To successfully tackle molecular behavior within living matter, optical microscopy is a valuable methodological platform: by using fluorescence as the signal, spatial and temporal details of molecular processes can be investigated quantitatively. The physiopathology of beta-cell response to glucose stimulation will be used as case study of biological/biomedical interest. The metabolic traits of beta cells will be highlighted using a straightforward combination of multiphoton microscopy, fluorescence lifetime imaging, and feedback-based orbital tracking of sub-cellular nanostructures.

Product Demo: IXplore™ SpinSR Confocal Super Resolution System

Stefan Marawske
Especialista sénior en ventas - Sistemas de última generación para Ciencias de la Vida
Olympus Europa
In this live demo, experience the IXplore SpinSR system, designed for fast 3D super resolution imaging and prolonged cell viability in time-lapse experiments. The microscope system offers XY resolution down to 120 nm without the need for dedicated labeling procedures. Learn how to easily integrate the IXplore SpinSR microscope system into existing experiments and sample protocols to streamline your research.

In-Vivo Tracking of Harmonic Nanoparticles by Means of a TIGER Widefield Microscope

Laura Vittadello
Department of Physics and Center of Cellular Nanoanalytics
Osnabrück University
In-vivo tracking based on harmonic nanoparticles is so far not exploited because of a lack of an appropriate tool—a widefield nonlinear optical microscope. Here, we present a new approach to overcome this challenge based on a redesign of laser space parameters.

Hyperspectral and Brightfield Imaging Combined with Deep Learning Uncover Hidden Regularities of Colors and Patterns in Cells and Tissues

Ewa Goldys
Deputy Director
Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence in Nanoscale Biophotonics
The Australian Research Council Centre of Excellence for Nanoscale Biophotonics draws on key advances of the 21st century, nanoscience, and photonics to help understand life at the molecular level. In this presentation, next-generation technologies developed in our Centre for probing, imaging, and interacting with the living systems will be discussed. These address the key challenges of ultrasensitive detection of key analytes in real complex environments and molecular complexity, and they support both novel therapies and diagnostics.

Product Demo: FLUOVIEW™ FV3000 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope

James Lopez
National Applications Manager
Olympus America Inc.
Join James Lopez, PhD, National Applications Manager to see how the FV3000 confocal laser microscope can expand your research possibilities and help you get more data from your samples.

Product Demo: FLUOVIEW™ FV3000 Confocal Laser Scanning Microscope

Bülent Peker
Gerente sénior de mercadotecnia de productos
Join Bülent Peker, Senior Product Marketing Manager to see how the FV3000 confocal laser microscope can expand your research possibilities and help you get more data from your samples.

Evolution of Scientific Digital Imaging Technologies and their Applications

Lin Guo
Manager, Product and Application Life Science Department Scientific Solutions Business Division
Olympus Singapore
In this talk, Dr. Lin covers some critical facts about scientific digital cameras. He also discusses the evolution of these cameras, the solutions that Olympus offers, and how they are used in current advanced microscopy systems for various applications.

Deep Learning Approaches to Automated Phenotypic Profiling

Jesse Chao
Sunnybrook Research Institute
Quantifying cellular phenotypes is the key to all cell biology studies. However, modern imaging techniques can easily generate more data than an average user can comfortably handle. In this presentation, Dr. Chao discusses two deep learning approaches, one semi-supervised and one supervised, for building image analysis pipelines. Either approach can be run on a free cloud GPU instance.

Deconvolution of 3D Image Stacks

Heiko Gäthje
Formador sénior - Academia de capacitación
Olympus Europa
Images taken with a light microscope are never true representations of the specimen. Error sources, which have to be controlled, are sample preparation and staining protocols as well as optical aberrations and limitations of microscope and digital camera.

Confocal Microscopy and Its Use for a Spaceflight Experiment

Bob McLean
Regents’ Professor
Texas State University
Spaceflight experiments represent a rare but exciting scientific opportunity. Unlike most lab experiments, in which protocols can be quickly modified, limitations on crew time and availability of supplies are notable factors. Unanticipated changes to launch and reentry schedules are also an issue. The experimental apparatus and protocols used must be able to function in a microgravity setting, while also resisting the g-forces and vibrations during launch and landing. During this presentation, Dr. McLean will go over the experimental planning and use of confocal and electron microscopy approaches and analyses during a recent spaceflight experiment that flew on Space X-21 from 12/6/20 – 1/14/21.

Accelerating Image Analysis with TruAI™ Deep Learning Technology

Manoel Veiga
Especialista de aplicaciones - Investigación en Ciencias de la Vida
Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions
In this tech talk, through a collection of examples measured with our live cell imaging systems, high-content screening station, and whole slide scanner, you will see what TruAI technology can do for your research and get a preview of what is coming next.

A New Way of Thinking—Object Detection with Deep Learning

Akira Saito
Assistant Manager, Marketing and Applications
Olympus Singapore
In this session, we will discuss object segmentation with deep learning and its applications in life science. We will also demo Olympus deep-learning software.

ICSI - How to improve your technique

Dr. Nuno Costa-Borges
Embryologist and Co-founder of Embryotools
In this webinar, expert embryologist Nuno Costa-Borges will discuss how current success rates of intracytoplasmic sperm injection (ICSI) vary - and explore how labs can optimize, evaluate and standardize to provide the best possible quality of treatment.
NoviSight™ Demonstration: 3D Image Analysis and Statistical Software for Organoids and Spheroids

NoviSight™ Demonstration: 3D Image Analysis and Statistical Software for Organoids and Spheroids

Hiroya Ishihara
Applications Scientist
Olympus Technologies Asia, Olympus Corporation
Three-dimensional cell culture models such as patient-derived organoids (PDO) and spheroids have increased in popularity because they can provide a 3D microenvironment that more closely reproduces in vivo conditions compared to 2D monolayer culture. Phenotypic and functional heterogeneity arise among cancer cells within the same tumor because of genetic change, environmental differences and reversible changes in cell properties. Therefore, evaluation of cell-specific responses is important for accurate prediction of drug efficacy and kinetics in vivo.
Study the Function of Stromal Cells through Intestinal Organoid Co-Culture Technology

Study the Function of Stromal Cells through Intestinal Organoid Co-Culture Technology

Dr. Ningbo Wu
Associate Professor
Shanghai Institute of Immunology, Shanghai Jiao Tong University School of Medicine
For a long period of time, intestinal mesenchymal stromal cells have been considered as a relatively simple and homogeneous group of cells. With the help of single cell transcriptomics studies, it has now been clear that these cells are quite complex and heterogeneous. However, the detailed cellular and molecular mechanisms that regulate the function of these cells remains poorly understood. Therefore, the ability to perturb and evaluate the function of these stromal cells is critical to the understanding of intestinal stem cell niche and the etiology of the inflammatory bowel diseases and colitis associated colorectal cancer.
An In Vitro System for Evaluating Anticancer Drugs Using Patient-Derived Tumor Organoids

An In Vitro System for Evaluating Anticancer Drugs Using Patient-Derived Tumor Organoids

Dr. Motoki Takagi
Medical-Industrial Translational Research Center, Fukushima Medical University
Patient-derived tumor organoids (PDOs) represent a promising preclinical cancer model that better replicates disease, compared with traditional cell culture models. We have established a novel series of patient-derived tumor organoids (PDOs) from various types of tumor tissues from the Fukushima Translational Research Project, which are designated as Fukushima (F)-PDOs. F-PDOs could be cultured for >6 months and formed cell clusters with similar morphologies to their source tumors. Comparative histological and comprehensive gene-expression analyses also demonstrated that the characteristics of PDOs were similar to those of their source tumors, even following long-term expansion in culture. In addition, suitable high-throughput assay systems were constructed for each F-PDO in 96- and 384-well plate formats.
3D Segmentation for Fluorescence Images: From Qualitative to Quantitative

3D Segmentation for Fluorescence Images: From Qualitative to Quantitative

Dr. Yu Weimiao
Head of Computational & Molecular Pathology Lab (CMPL) Agency of Science
Technology and Research
Cells are 3D functional elements in biology science and they are actively moving to perform their functions. Collective cell migration is appreciated as an important model for the understanding of the mechanism governing the cell movement in Vivo and in Vitro. It is a highly kinetic process involved in immune response, wound healing, tissue development and cancer metastasis. Recent decades have seen the fast development of various optical imaging techniques with excellent spatial-temporal resolution, dimensionality and scale. The generation of novel probes have also allowed us to acquire the movies of migrating cells with specific proteins/molecules. However, we lack of advanced solution to analyse such high-content and highly dynamic images/videos.
Prostate Cell Lineage Hierarchy and Plasticity

Prostate Cell Lineage Hierarchy and Plasticity

Dr. Dong Gao
Principal Investigator
Shanghai Institute of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Chinese Academy of Sciences
Prostate cancer is one of the most common cancers worldwide and also the second leading cause of cancer-related death in males in Western countries. Although the majority of human primary prostate cancers have a luminal phenotype, both basal cells and luminal cells can serve as cellular origins of prostate cancer in model systems. However, the stem cell-like plasticity of defined prostate epithelial cells and the cellular origin of prostate cancer under physiological conditions have not been identified. Recently, prostate basal and luminal cell populations were both shown to be self-sustaining, and both cell types could initiate prostate cancer. However, the oncogenic transformation of basal cells requires basal to luminal cell transition. In addition, luminal cells were shown to have greater tendency to be the cells of origin for prostate cancer in some contexts.
Investigating Spheroid Architecture Using the FV3000 Confocal Microscope

Investigating Spheroid Architecture Using the FV3000 Confocal Microscope

Ms. Gency Gunasingh
Research Assistant
The University of Queensland Diamantina Institute
Phenotypic tumour heterogeneity arising due to differentially cycling cell populations has been implicated in increased therapy resistance. This phenomenon cannot be assessed in adherent cell culture, where microenvironmental conditions are homogeneous. Thus, we utilise melanoma spheroids to model the 3D tumour microenvironment including the extracellular matrix (ECM) and study spheroid structure, necrotic region, individual cell arrangement within and gene expression patterns. We achieve this by exploiting the fluorescence ubiquitination cell cycle indicator (FUCCI) system to monitor cell cycle stages as a surrogate marker for phenotypic tumour heterogeneity, tissue clearing and confocal microscopy using FV3000.
Advances in 3D Optical Imaging Technologies: An Overview

Advances in 3D Optical Imaging Technologies: An Overview

Mr. Srivats Hariharan
Manager, Applications and Marketing
Olympus Singapore
With rapid development in fluorescent proteins, synthetic fluorochromes, and digital imaging, advanced 3D imaging technologies are now available to investigators to provide critical insights into the fundamental nature of cellular and tissue functions. 3D and 4D imaging systems have become very common tools among biologists. However, there are several technical challenges and limitations in performing successful 3D and 4D imaging. Olympus has developed a wide range of 3D imaging microscopes to overcome these challenges and to satisfy the requirements of researchers across different disciplines.
3D Microscopy: Understanding the Give and Take on Instrument Performance to Enable Informed Decisions

3D Microscopy: Understanding the Give and Take on Instrument Performance to Enable Informed Decisions

Dr. Graham Wright
Acting Director
Research Support Centre (RSC), A*STAR, Singapore
Biologists have a significant toolbox at their disposal when it comes to microscopically imaging 3D samples, such as organoids. From widefield microscopy to confocal, superresolution, multiphoton and lightsheet, each have their own set of pros and cons that must be carefully considered before making an informed choice on the most suitable to address your biological question. Often a correlative approach is required, applying several techniques to address the question from different perspectives. It is also crucial to consider the method of sample preparation and optimise each of the potential steps which can include fixation, permeabilisation, labelling and mounting. Further, the images generated by all techniques can be enhanced with post-processing techniques, such as deconvolution, which can enable or help to improve subsequent image analysis and interpretation.
Tissue Optical Clearing Imaging: From In Vitro to In Vivo

Tissue Optical Clearing Imaging: From In Vitro to In Vivo

Dr. Dan Zhu
Wuhan National Laboratory for Optoelectronics, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan, China
Biomedical optical Imaging, as a powerful tool has been applied for observing biomedical tissue structural and functional information with high resolution and contrast unattainable by any other method. However, the high scattering of turbid biological tissues limits the penetration of light, leading to strongly decreased imaging resolution and contrast as light propagates deeper into the tissue. Fortunately, novel tissue optical clearing technique provide a way for reducing the scattering of tissue and improving the optical imaging quality. This presentation will introduce our progress from in vitro and in vivo of tissue optical clearing imaging, including developing in vitro optical clearing methods, such as FDISCO and MACS. Meanwhile, we will also demonstrate in vivo skull/skin optical clearing window for imaging structural and functional of cutaneous / cortical vascular and cells, also manipulating cortical vasculature.
Utilizing Tumoroids to Explore Anti-Tumor Immunity in Rectal Cancer

Utilizing Tumoroids to Explore Anti-Tumor Immunity in Rectal Cancer

Dr. Kasmira Wilson
Peter MacCallum Cancer Foundation
Globally colorectal cancer is a significant public health burden. It is the third most commonly diagnosed cancer and fourth leading cause of cancer related deaths in the world. A subset of patients diagnosed with rectal cancer require neoadjuvant chemoradiotherapy (NACRT) prior to surgery. However, there is a spectrum of response to this therapy with only 10-20% of patients achieving a complete pathological response. In addition, 20-40% of patients will demonstrate no response to this treatment. There is currently no method that predicts how a patient will respond to NACRT accurately. In order to investigate the mechanisms underpinning how patients respond to therapy, patient derived tumouroids have been utilised. These personalised in vitro three-dimensional tumour models recapitulate the in vivo tumour of origin genotypically. The Ramsay laboratory (Peter MacCallum, Melbourne) has successfully co-cultured patient-matched rectal cancer tumouroids with tumour infiltrating lymphocytes (TILS) in a novel in vitro assay, preliminary data generated suggests this assay has the ability to predict the response of a patient to treatment with NACRT prior to instigation of neo-adjuvant therapy. This assay provides a pre-clinical platform that encapsulates the hosts immune response toward their tumour. However, manual analysis of the data generated from this assay is time consuming and limits the clinical utility of this platform. Machine-based learning to develop artificial neural networks capable of analysing data produced from the killing assay has been developed to automate analysis. Automated analysis utilising artificial neural networks is a feasible approach to expedite the processing of data generated from the cytotoxic killing assays and will improve the clinical utility of this platform to direct personalised patient therapy.
Converting from 2D to 3D: Bio-Techne Solutions for Your 3D Culture

Converting from 2D to 3D: Bio-Techne Solutions for Your 3D Culture

Dr. Xiaotong Cui
Field Application Specialist
Organoid and three-dimensional (3D) cell culture are emerging as pivotal systems for understanding human organ development, modeling disease, screening for drug efficacy or toxicity, and investigating personalized medicine. Usually they are derived from primary tissue, embryonic stem cells (ESCs), or induced pluripotent stem cells (iPSCs), which are capable of self-renewal and differentiation.

Culture and Quantitative 3D Imaging of Organoids: Challenges and Solutions

Dr. Anne Beghin
Assistant Professor, Research Mechanobiology Institute
National University of Singapore
Turning organoids into impactful translational models includes being able to culture them and assess those that develop robustly with physiologically relevant architecture. However, quantitative comparisons and statistical analysis at high content, which are mandatory to describe the complexity of such multicellular 3D objects are not possible owing to the lack of high-throughput 3D imaging methods. We have thus engineered a versatile High Content Screening (HCS) device to streamline all the steps of organoid culture to exploit its potential in morphogenesis understanding. Our approach comprises a new generation of versatile scaffolding cell culture multiwell chips with embedded optical components (= lighting JeWells) that enables rapid 3D imaging.

A Smarter Approach to Culturing and Nurturing Your Cells

Shogo Usui
Product Leader
In this webinar, expert Shogo Usui will discuss the current challenges in cell culture techniques and explore how the CM20 system can accelerate your research with an improved cell culture process.

Modern Slide Scanning: Single-cell Phenotyping on Fixed Samples (Encore Edition)

Flavio Giacobone
Gerente de mercadotecnia de producto
Alec De Grand
Gerente de producto
Angela Vasaturo
Senior Field Application Scientist, Ultivue, Inc.
Get another chance to learn about the latest generation of slide scanners on November 18, when we replay our webinar with our Olympus experts Flavio and Alec. In this webinar, our experts will discuss how modern slide scanners can be a workhorse for your applications and how multiplexing can reveal much more information from a slide. With a guest expert from Ultivue, you’ll learn how single-cell phenotyping can dramatically improve the understanding of the dynamics in a sample, even if it is a fixed slide.

To the Diffraction Limit and Beyond: The Nanoscale Organization of Axo-Axonic Synapses | 2 p.m.

Benjamin Compans, Ph.D.
Marie Curie Research Fellow
Here we use super-resolution microscopy to decipher the precise molecular organization of axo-axonic synapses and its modifications during activity-dependent forms of plasticity.

To the Diffraction Limit and Beyond: The Nanoscale Organization of Axo-Axonic Synapses | 10 a.m.

Benjamin Compans, Ph.D.
Marie Curie Research Fellow
Here we use super-resolution microscopy to decipher the precise molecular organization of axo-axonic synapses and its modifications during activity-dependent forms of plasticity.

Light Sheet Microscopy – New multi-resolution and -color imaging methods

Irina Rakotoson
Gerente de producto - Ciencias de la Vida
Join Irina to discover an easy and effective method to obtain perfect multi-color, multi-resolution imaging in Light Sheet Microscopy (LSM) for 3D fluorescence imaging. In this webinar you’ll learn about the challenges of multi-color channel acquisition in LSM and how to correct chromatic shifts for clean and crisp images.
Olympus Organoid Conference: Think Deep, See Deeper | 3-Day Virtual Event | September 7-9, 2021

Olympus Organoid Conference: Think Deep, See Deeper | 3-Day Virtual Event | September 7-9, 2021

From 7 – 9 September, learn from Olympus microscope users and technology partners on how they can support your scientific research. Cell Biologists, Microscopists and Image analysis experts will share their experiences and answer your questions.

Create a Smarter Cell Culture Workflow

Joanna Hawryluk
Product Manager
In this webinar, expert Joanna Hawryluk explores how the OLYMPUS Provi™ CM20 incubation monitoring system can help improve the health and stability of cell cultures through machine learning. With the aid of AI, the CM20 monitor automatically measures cell conditions using constant analysis parameters to provide quantitative data—all while your cultures remain safely in the incubator.

Digital Image Processing: Point and Local Operation Filters (Encore Edition)

Heiko Gäthje
Formador sénior - Academia de capacitación
Olympus Europa
Want to get a better understanding of digital image processing techniques? Then watch our Ask the Experts webinar rerun on July 29, where we discuss how point and local operation filters can be used to control sources of error such as noise or low contrast in microscopy images. As well as exploring the mathematics behind image processing techniques such as segmentation, extraction and thresholding, our expert Heiko will also discuss the ethics of image processing – helping you judge whether specific techniques are allowed.
Depth Matters: Transforming Biology for More Realistic and Meaningful Pursuits

Depth Matters: Transforming Biology for More Realistic and Meaningful Pursuits

Dr. Gowri Balachander
Research Fellow, Translation Mechanobiology lab, National University of Singapore
Improvements to in vitro three-dimensional (3D) models are making them increasingly better at mimicking in vivo-like cellular behavior. Every tissue presents a distinct microenvironment with a unique blend of biochemical and biophysical components that dictate cellular behavior. Recreation of critical features of tissues that nurtures recapitulation of in vivo-like cellular behavior is the essence of an effective 3D model. In this webinar, through specific examples of 3D models for tissue development and cancer, we will revisit the fundamental principles of designing 3D models that can effectively recapitulate critical features of the tissues in vitro and applications of such models in mechanistic studies and drug testing. Our work also highlights the importance of 3D imaging systems, such as laser scanning confocal microscopes, which are necessary for such work.

Microscope Objectives—Where the Magic Happens (Encore Edition)

Klaus Willeke
Product Marketing Manager
Lauren Alvarenga
Gerente de producto - Microscopía de Ciencias de la Vida
Get another chance to learn about cutting-edge microscope technology on July 8th, when we replay our webinar with Olympus microscope experts Lauren and Klaus. In this webinar, the experts will discuss how objectives affect image quality and highlight why good optics are so important in complex microscope systems. The webinar also covers how progress in lens manufacturing technology is transforming the capability of advanced microscopy systems, and explores how versatile new lenses are enhancing applications including whole slide imaging, super resolution systems, and laser scanning microscopy.
Microscopía con lámina/hoja de luz para una observación más profunda de la vida

Microscopía con lámina/hoja de luz para una observación más profunda de la vida

Irina Rakotoson
Gerente de producto - Ciencias de la Vida
A través de este seminario web, se explicará cómo el microscopio de lámina/hoja de luz Alpha3 combina cortes ópticos muy finos con dispositivos ópticos de Olympus de alta calidad para un procesamiento de imágenes 3D de alta resolución a partir de muestras biológicas en vivo y fijas.
Olympus Discovery Summit—Looking Forward: A New Era of Research

Olympus Discovery Summit—Looking Forward: A New Era of Research

The Olympus Discovery Summit, held in April, featured microscopists and imaging experts sharing about advances in technology and research. Experience or relive this free three-day virtual event by watching the webinars on demand. Hear from your peers and learn about topics, including best practices for a post-pandemic workplace, emerging technologies, next-generation models for research, and more!
Tecnología FluidFM: Enfoque novedoso para la edición genómica por CRISPR mediante entrega intranuclear directa

Tecnología FluidFM: Enfoque novedoso para la edición genómica por CRISPR mediante entrega intranuclear directa

A través de este seminario web, Paul explicará cómo superar uno de los mayores desafíos en la edición de genes: la administración del material genético al núcleo. Esto es posible cuando se usa una nanojeringa FluidFM que perfora delicadamente la envoltura nuclear a fin de administrar los reactivos directamente en el núcleo.
Ensayos 3D: Software inteligente, análisis reveladores

Ensayos 3D: Software inteligente, análisis reveladores

Daniel Bemmerl
Gerente de área - Sistemas de microscopía de última generación
Shohei Imamura
Gerente de proyectos estratégicos - Medicina Regenerativa y Soluciones de Descubrimiento de Fármacos
A través de este seminario web, se desea cubrir la manera de obtener los mejores datos estadísticos para los ensayos que se basan en esferoides y microplacas. Estos datos permiten cuantificar la respuesta de un modelo 3D a un compuesto y facilitan la comparación del efecto en función de diferentes tratamientos, como concentraciones variables.
Multiplexación e imágenes de tejidos profundos a partir de una microscopía de escaneo láser confocal del infrarrojo cercano

Multiplexación e imágenes de tejidos profundos a partir de una microscopía de escaneo láser confocal del infrarrojo cercano

Bülent Peker
Gerente sénior de mercadotecnia de productos
Rebecca Bonfig
Gerente de producto - Microscopía Confocal
En este seminario web, se analizará la multiplexación de fluorescencia y la adquisición de imágenes de tejidos profundos por medio de la luz láser del infrarrojo cercano (NIR).
A la vanguardia del escaneo de portaobjetos: Fenotipificación de una sola célula en muestras fijas

A la vanguardia del escaneo de portaobjetos: Fenotipificación de una sola célula en muestras fijas

Alec De Grand
Gerente de producto
Flavio Giacobone
Gerente de mercadotecnia de producto
A través de este seminario web, Flavio y Alec examinarán cómo los escáneres de portaobjetos de última generación se convierten en los mejores ejemplares para sus aplicaciones y, en particular, cómo la multiplexación otorga mucha más información de los portaobjetos. En colaboración con un experto de Ultivue, se observará cómo la fenotipificación de una sola célula mejora claramente el entendimiento con respecto a la dinámica en una muestra, incluso cuando el portaobjetos es fijo.
Aprendizaje profundo: Puertas abiertas a nuevas aplicaciones

Aprendizaje profundo: Puertas abiertas a nuevas aplicaciones

Kathy Lindsley
Especialista de aplicaciones - Ciencias de la Vida
Manoel Veiga
Especialista de aplicaciones - Investigación en Ciencias de la Vida
Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions
A través de este seminario web, Manoel y Kathy examinan cómo dar rienda suelta al poder del aprendizaje profundo para cubrir tareas analíticas de imágenes desafiantes.
ICSI—Past, Present & Future

ICSI—Past, Present & Future

Dr. Hrishikesh Pai
Medical Director, Bloom IVF Group
In this webinar, Dr. Pai will be sharing on what’s new in the management of male infertility with special focus on Intra Cytoplasmic Sperm Injection (ICSI). He will be describing the latest diagnostic modalities in male infertility especially sperm DNA fragmentation, genetic testing, cryotozoospermia and microsurgical TESA in cases of non-instructive azoospermia.

Microscope Objectives—Where the Magic Happens

Ganesh Kadasoor
Especialista de aplicaciones para Olympus Medical Systems India Ltd
Wei Juan Wong
Especialista sénior de productos - Olympus Singapore
Olympus Soft Imaging Solutions
In this webinar, Olympus microscope experts Ganesh and Wei Juan discuss the importance of good optics in a complex microscope system and what optical features are important for high final image quality.
Think Deep, See Deeper with Near-Infrared Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope

Think Deep, See Deeper with Near-Infrared Laser Scanning Confocal Microscope

Chunsong Yan
Gerente de desarrollo comercial - Ciencias de la Vida
Olympus Australia & New Zealand
Srivats Hariharan
Gerente de producto y aplicación - Olympus Singapore
If you’re interested in having more fluorescent markers in your sample, imaging deeper into your sample at high resolution, and conducting live cell imaging with minimal phototoxicity, check out this on-demand webinar from Olympus imaging experts.
Digital Image Processing: Point and Local Operation Filters

Digital Image Processing: Point and Local Operation Filters

Heiko Gäthje
Formador sénior - Academia de capacitación
Olympus Europa
Takeo Ogama
Planificador sénior de productos y estrategias/ Gerente de producto
Images captured with a light microscope are never true representations of the specimen; there are always sources of error that must be controlled. In this webinar, we will discuss how these sources of error can be managed.
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